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CAI Command-Line Tool

The PFCmdLineTool command lets you perform various CA Continuous Application Insight tasks from the command line.

The main options are --count, --roots, --paths, --export, --import, --baseline, and --virtualize.

This command has the following format:

PFCmdLineTool [--count|--roots|--paths|--export|--import|--baseline|--virtualize|--help|--version] [task-specific options] [search-criteria]


Search Criteria

For all the main options except --import, the set of transaction frames that are acted on is defined by those matching the search criteria specified. Use any of the following options to specify the search criteria: --from, --to, --localIP, --remoteIP, --category, --class, --method, --session, --transaction, –agent, --min-time, --tag, and --max-frames. These options are used to narrow the set of root transaction frames that are acted on.

Alternately, you can use the --frame option to limit the search results to a single transaction frame.


Specifies the start time of the window of transaction frames you want. Use either of the following formats: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. If this option and the --frame option are not specified, the start of the current day is used.


Specifies the end time of the window of transaction frames you want. Use either of the following formats: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. If this option and the --frame option are not specified, the end of the current day is used.

--localIP=IP address

Specifies the client-side IP address that CAI records.

--remoteIP=IP address

Specifies the server-side IP address that CAI records.


Specifies the type of transaction frame. You can search for more than one category at a time by repeating this option.

Values: amx, client, dn_default, dn_remoting, dn_sql, ejb, gui, jca, jdbc, jms, logging, mq, rest_http, rmi, rmi_http, rmi_ssl, thread, throwable, tibco, web_http, web_https, wm, wps, ws_http, ws_https


Specifies the class name. The value can be either the full class name or a string ending with '%' to perform a "starts with" type of match.


Specifies the method name. The value can be either the full method name or a string ending with '%' to perform a "starts with" type of match.


Specifies the session identifier.


Specifies the transaction identifier.


Specifies the name of the agent that is the source for the transaction frames you want.


Specifies the minimum execution time (in milliseconds) of transaction frames you want to see. Frames that are executed faster than this value are filtered out.

--tag=name, --tag=name=value

Specifies a frame tag that is associated with a transaction frame. You can specify the name only, or both the name and value. You can search for more than one tag at a time by repeating this option.


Specifies the maximum number of root transaction frames that are retrieved. If this option is not specified, it defaults to 10000. There can be circumstances when more frames are processed than the maximum.


Specifies the identifier of the particular transaction frame desired.


Querying and Display

The following options let you query and display transactions.

-c, --count

Displays the number of root transaction frames that match the specified search criteria.

-r, --roots

Displays the root transaction frames that match the specified search criteria.

-p, --paths

Displays the transaction frame hierarchy for a set of root transaction frames.


Export and Import

The following options let you export and import paths.

-e output-zip-file-name, --export=output-zip-file-name

Exports the selected transaction frames from the database.

-i input-zip-file-name, --import=input-zip-file-name

Imports transactions into the database. Any search criteria that you specify is ignored.


Specifies that the import operation does not persist the data, causing the import file to be validated only.

Note: When DevTest is connected to a database other than the default Derby, you need to specify the database to the broker element of the rules.xml file.

<database driver="yourdatabasedriver" url="yourdatabaseurl" user="yourdatabaseuser" password="yourdatabasepassword"/>

This setting is used for the lifetime of the agent.



The following options let you create baseline test cases and suites. The --to-dir option or the --to-project option is required.

-b name, --baseline=name

Generates baseline tests for the selected transaction frames.


Specifies the identifier of the particular transaction frame that is designated as the key transaction frame. If this option is not specified, the first transaction frame in the query result is designated as the key transaction frame.


Specifies that a baseline test case is generated. If this option is not specified, a baseline suite is generated.


Specifies that a stateful baseline is generated.


Specifies that baseline tests are generated using the Execute Transaction Frame step only. If this option is not specified, any available CA Application Test test steps are used whenever possible.

Note: For more information about the Execute Transaction Frame step, see Using CA Application Test.


Specifies that baseline tests have magic date processing applied.


Specifies the JNDI factory class to use when generating EJB baseline tests.


Specifies the JNDI URL to use when generating EJB baseline tests.


Specifies the JNDI user to use when generating EJB baseline tests.


Specifies the JNDI user credentials to use when generating EJB baseline tests.


Specifies the name of the directory where the generated PFI file is written.


Specifies the root directory of a project into which the generated artifacts are written, without the requirement of an intermediate import file. You can specify this option instead of, or in addition to, the --to-dir option.


Virtualization Artifacts

The following options let you generate virtualization artifacts. The --to-dir option or the --to-project option is required.

-v name, --virtualize=name

Generates virtualization artifacts for the selected transaction frames.


Specifies the identifier of the particular transaction frame that is designated as the key transaction frame. If this option is not specified, the first transaction frame in the query result is designated as the key transaction frame.


Specifies that VSE conversational processing is applied when generating a service image.


Specifies the action that is taken for unknown requests. This option applies to generated virtualization artifacts based around Java VSE. The valid values are no_match (return a "no match") and no_hijack (bypass the virtual service).


Specifies the name of the directory where the generated PFI file is written.


Specifies the root directory of a project into which the generated artifacts are written, without the requirement of an intermediate import file. You can specify this option instead of, or in addition to, the --to-dir option.


Agent Condition

The following options let you check for a specified condition in an agent. The only supported condition is whether the agent is currently dispatching. The term dispatching refers to the action of capturing transactions.


Checks for a specified condition in an agent.


Specifies the name of the agent.


Specifies the condition to check for.

Values: Dispatching


Specifies the number of seconds to wait for the condition before timing out.


Capture Levels

The following options let you modify the capture level for each protocol that the Java agent can capture.

Note: Setting different capture levels is not supported for queue-based client and server communication, for example, WebSphere MQ and JMS.


Modifies the capture level for one or more protocols.


Specifies the name of the agent.


Specifies the protocol names. If you include more than one value, separate the values by commas.

Values: ALL, HTTP Client, HTTP Server, Logging, Category, Exception, GUI, EJB, JMS, MQ, JCA, RCP, RMI, SAP, Tibco, WPS, WebMethods, JDBC


Specifies the protocol weights. If you include more than one value, separate the values by commas.

Values: 0, 4, 8. The value 0 corresponds to the Counts level. The value 4 corresponds to the Counts and Paths level. The value 8 corresponds to the Full Data level.



The following options are also available.


Specifies the broker connection string. The default value is tcp://localhost:2009.


Searches for the transaction frame that matches the specified search criteria and frame name.


Specifies the name of a transaction frame to search for.

--help -h

Displays help text.


Prints the VSE version number.


Example: Display Root Transaction Frames

This example shows how to display the root transaction frames for a specified agent and start time.

PFCmdLineTool --roots --agent=JBoss_LISABank --from=2014-03-14T12:28:00

Frame ID                              Time                     Category  Local IP       Remote IP      Name     Exec Time
------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------  -------------  -------  ---------
c3a9c830-abae-11e3-b937-0024d6ab5ce2  2014-03-14 12:28:04 660  web_http  Unknown  984 ms

Example: Display Transaction Frame Hierarchy

This example shows how to display the transaction frame hierarchy for a set of root transaction frames.

PFCmdLineTool --paths --agent=JBoss_LISABank --from=2014-03-14T12:28:00

984 ms /lisabank/ (c3a9c830-abae-11e3-b937-0024d6ab5ce2)
   50 ms $Proxy93.getUser (c3c73b40-abae-11e3-b937-0024d6ab5ce2)
      37 ms EJB3UserControlBean.getUser (c3c8c1e0-abae-11e3-b937-0024d6ab5ce2)
         3 ms SQL Activity (1) (c3c8c1e0-abae-11e3-b937-0024d6ab5ce2-SQL)

Example: Generate a Baseline Suite

This example shows how to generate a baseline suite.

PFCmdLineTool --baseline=BaselineName --refer=c3c8c1e0-abae-11e3-b937-0024d6ab5ce2 --to-dir=C:\DevTest

Example: Generate a Stateful Baseline

This example shows how to generate a stateful baseline.

PFCmdLineTool --baseline=BaselineName --stateful --from=2014-03-14T12:28:00 --refer=c3c8c1e0-abae-11e3-b937-0024d6ab5ce2 --to-dir=C:\DevTest

Example: Generate Virtualization Artifacts

This example shows how to generate virtualization artifacts.

PFCmdLineTool --virtualize=VSEServiceName --from=2014-03-14T12:28:00 --refer=c3c8c1e0-abae-11e3-b937-0024d6ab5ce2 --category=ejb --to-dir=C:\DevTest

Example: Check the Agent Condition

This example shows how to check whether an agent is capturing transactions. The output indicates that the agent is not capturing transactions.

PFCmdLineTool --check --agent=JBoss_LISABank --condition=Dispatching --check-timeout=10
Agent has not yet started dispatching.

Example: Configure the Capture Level

This example shows how to modify the capture level for one protocol.

PFCmdLineTool --set-weights --agent=JBoss_LISABank --protocols=EJB --weights=8

This example shows how to modify the capture level for multiple protocols. Notice the use of quotation marks.

PFCmdLineTool --set-weights --agent=JBoss_LISABank --protocols="EJB,JMS" --weights="8,4"

Example: Search Transaction Frame by Name

This example shows how to verify whether CAI captured a particular transaction frame by the frame name. If the search finds more than one matching frame, the newest frame is displayed. The output consists of the name, duration, and unique identifier.

PFCmdLineTool --search-frame --frame-name=EJB3AccountControlBean.addAccount --from=2014-03-20T10:20:00
EJB3AccountControlBean.addAccount, 141 ms, 27ca1bd0-b03c-11e3-a8f1-005056ba138a