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Agent Light for webMethods HTTP

The Agent Light for webMethods HTTP is an agent that communicates with CA Continuous Application Insight using a REST API. The purpose of the light agent is to take the input from a webMethods HTTP request/response data file and send the data to CAI through the REST API call.

The agent light can receive the webMethods HTTP transactions from the following sources:

When you query the Splunk server for webMethods HTTP transactions, a Splunk query statement must be provided. The agent has an integrated default query statement. If you want a different query, pass in the new query statement using the -search parameter.

The following example displays a default query statement:

"search index=main ((CASE(GET) OR CASE(POST) OR CASE(PUT) OR CASE(DELETE)) /*) OR ((Accept OR User-Agent OR Accept-Encoding OR \"-- Host\" OR Authorization OR Cookie OR Accept-Language OR \"-- Connection\" OR lisaFrameRoot OR lisaFrameRemoteIP OR lisaFrameID OR Authorization OR Set-Cookie OR SOAPAction OR Content-Type OR Content-Length): *) OR (\" SOAP Request:\") OR (\" SOAP Response:\") OR (HTTP/1.*) | transaction startsWith=(CASE(GET) OR CASE(POST) OR CASE(PUT) OR CASE(DELETE)) endsWith=(\"--> Content-Length: \")  | where !searchmatch(\"-- User-Agent: webMethods\")"

Note: When the Agent Light for webMethods HTTP is executed from a remote system, the DevTest Server REST URL must be specified or the agent assumes the DevTest Server is local. The URL format is http://<lisa-server>:1505.

The agent light has the following arguments:


Defines the CAI REST base URL.

Default: http://localhost:1505


(Optional) Defines the CAI REST username.


(Optional) Defines the CAI REST password.