Previous Topic: REST APINext Topic: Agent Light for webMethods HTTP


You use the command line to import the transaction data into CA Continuous Application Insight for the agent lights. Information is parsed and inserted into the CAI database. The command-line provides a method of inserting nodes into CAI without needing to customize or implement a CAI agent. This method includes the ability to specify a source for data (file base and other data) that can read and parse the data. The data is then formatted and inserted into the CAI database.

From the command line, run the LisaAgentLight.jar file and use the -f and -t parameters to specify the location and type of data file. The paths are created and displayed in the CAI Console.

-f, -file

Defines the transaction data file to be imported into CAI.

-t, -type

Defines the data protocol type. HTTP, JMS, and MQ are supported.

Default: HTTP