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Recurring Period Think Time Companion

The Recurring Period Think Time companion adjusts response think time to send a batch of responses for every time period that you specify.

This companion lets you batch responses for a virtual service model. You can specify a schedule for sending responses. For example, you can send 100 responses every hour. The requests can arrive at any time, but VSE only responds on the hour. If there are fewer than 100 pending responses, VSE sends all the responses. If there are more than 100 pending responses, VSE sends 100 responses and saves the rest until the next batch.

VSE only responds to incoming requests; it does not generate unsolicited responses. If VSE receives 12 requests, it sends 12 responses, even if the Quantity is greater than 12.

This companion is useful only for the SAP transport protocol.

Enter the following parameters in the companion editor:


Specifies whether to enable the companion.


Defines when the timer starts.

  • Immediately
  • On the Quarter Hour
  • On the Half Hour
  • On the Hour

Defines the number of minutes or hours to wait between sending responses.


Defines the maximum number of responses to send.

Repeat daily

Specifies whether to send responses each day.

Send all at once

Specifies how to distribute the responses.



Assume that the Start field is set to Immediately and the Every field is set to 5 minutes. Also assume that the Quantity field is set to 10 and the Send all at once check box is cleared.

When you deploy the virtual service model, the result of this configuration is one response every 30 seconds. This result assumes that the service receives enough requests that have matching responses during those periods.