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Create a Sandbox Class Loader for Each Test Companion

The Create a Sandbox Class Loader companion lets you verify that every test run executes in its own Java Class loader (JVM). This companion is valuable when testing local Java objects that are not designed for multithreaded or multiuser access. Most testing does not require this companion. It is usually only necessary when testing local Java objects with the Dynamic Java Execution step.

To configure the Class Loader Sandbox companion, use the Class Path Sandbox companion editor.

If the hotDeploy directory does not contain the class you want to run, click Add LISA-- icon_image_whiteplussign to add a line in the Class Path Directories list, then add the appropriate class path.

Note: Any Java objects that you want to edit or run must be in the class path or the hotDeploy directory. They must not be in the DevTest lib or bin directories. The Class Loader Sandbox will not work because of the way the Java VM loads classes.