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Memory Settings

On Windows operating systems, the default memory limit for DevTest Workstation is 512 MB (-Xmx512m).

For a Windows system, it is recommended that DevTest Server is on Windows 64-bit to leverage more memory when needed.

Change Memory Allocation

The .vmoptions files are used to pass more parameters to a Java process to modify the default settings that are used for the JVM. These files are used to customize the memory allocation settings for each of the DevTest processes used in the server. When you install the DevTest Server, the LISA_HOME\bin folder is populated with a .vmoption file with the same name as each executable file. A full list of JVM parameters are detailed in the Oracle website under Configuring the Default JVM and Java Arguments.

To change the Java heap size on Windows and UNIX:

  1. Open the target file with a .vmoptions extension.

    For example, open RegistryService.vmoptions, with the following content:

    # Enter one VM parameter per line
    # For example, to adjust the maximum memory usage to 512 MB, uncomment the following line:
    # -Xmx512m
    # To include another file, uncomment the following line:
    # -include-options [path to other .vmoption file]
  2. To change the maximum memory to be allocated (Xmx), uncomment the following line:
    # -Xmx512m
  3. To change the minimum memory to be allocated (Xms), add the VM argument on another line.

    The file would then specify the memory allocation range as in the following example.

  4. Save the text file in the LISA_HOME\bin folder.


To change the Java heap size on Mac OS X:

Browse to the and edit the Info.plist file.

The path is LisaHome/bin/ You can modify the Info.plist file, but your changes only apply to DevTest Workstation.


To adjust the memory for individual processes:

You can adjust memory for the following programs:

To tweak the memory for every process, you can edit the individual script files. For example, you can allow the registry to have 128M but the simulator to have 1024M.

If you reinstall DevTest Solutions, these edits are overwritten by the installer.

You can also copy these files and edit the copies. For example, you can copy Registry to MyRegistry and tweak MyRegistry.