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Excluding from Interception and Virtualization

You can prevent the DevTest Java Agent from intercepting or virtualizing a method, class, or package by adding the exclude directive to the rules.xml file of the agent.

The exclude directive has the following format:

<exclude class="class_name" method="method_name" signature="signature"/>

The exclude directive can be placed within the group element or the agent element of the rules.xml file.

The format of the signature is described in Signature Specification.

Class hierarchies are not considered. Assume that class B extends class A, and both classes define method M. If you exclude class A, then method M of class A is not captured. However, method M of class B is captured.

If you want to exclude a class or package irrespective of method or signature, you can do either:

If you add or remove the exclude directive, you must restart the agent.

By default, CA Continuous Application Insight does not capture getter and setter methods. You do not need to exclude getter and setter methods.



The following example excludes the serviceComposition() method of the com.itko.examples.ejb3.OrdinaryBean class. The method takes in no arguments. The method returns a java.lang.String object.

<exclude class="com.itko.examples.ejb3.OrdinaryBean" method="serviceComposition" signature="()Ljava/lang/String;"/>

The following example excludes the com.itko.examples.ejb3.OrdinaryBean class.

<exclude class="com.itko.examples.ejb3.OrdinaryBean"/>

The following example excludes the com.itko.examples.ejb package. Notice the use of a single wildcard character.

<exclude class="com.itko.examples.ejb.*"/>

The following example excludes the com.itko.examples package and all its subpackages. Notice the use of two wildcard characters.

<exclude class="com.itko.examples.**"/>