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Configure DevTest to Use Oracle

This topic describes how to configure DevTest to use an Oracle database.

In the following procedure, you configure the Oracle version of the file. The following properties in this file are relevant to the database configuration:


To minimize the number of connections to the database, connection pooling is used. The underlying implementation of the pooling functionality is c3p0. For detailed information about the settings, see By default, all the components use the common connection pool. However, you can define a separate pool for each component or mix and match.

For the reporting database, we recommend at least 10 GB for optimal performance. A database for VSE is required only if you are working with legacy images created in a release earlier than 6.0.

The value of any property that ends with password is automatically encrypted at startup.

Note: The remote installations of DevTest Workstation, coordinator, simulator server, VSE, or any other remote DevTest component do not require more configuration. They all receive from the registry when they connect and configure their database access accordingly.

Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the character set of the Oracle database supports Unicode.
  2. In the LISA_HOME directory, locate the file.
  3. Change the file name to
  4. Open the file.
  5. Configure the database configuration properties.

    You typically update the following properties:

    For the lisadb.pool.common.url property, you can use the service name.

  6. The schema is automatically created in the database when the registry starts for the first time. However, if you do not want the DevTest user to have DBA privileges, you can manually create the schema beforehand. The oracle.ddl file in the LISA_HOME\database directory contains SQL statements that can serve as the basis for creating the reporting tables and indexes.
  7. Set the lisadb.internal.enabled property to false.
  8. Add the Oracle JDBC driver to both LISA_HOME\lib\shared directory and LISA_HOME\webserver\phoenix\phoenix-x.0.0\WEB-INF\lib directory.

    You can download the driver from We recommend that you download the latest driver, even if you are using an older database server. In most cases, ojdbc7.jar is the correct driver for Java 1.7 (which ships with DevTest). If you are using Java 1.6, then use ojdbc6.jar. If you are using Java 1.5, then use ojdbc5.jar.

    Important! The JDBC driver must be added to both directories.

  9. Start the registry.