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External Database Configuration

You can configure DevTest to use an external database by editing the file in the LISA_HOME directory.


The file includes properties for each of the supported databases:

If you are running DevTest Server, you do not need to reconfigure each DevTest Workstation installation. The configuration in is propagated to each workstation, VSE, coordinator, simulator server, and any other DevTest component that connects to the registry.

The general steps are as follows:

  1. Locate the file in the LISA_HOME directory and change the name to
  2. Modify the new file, uncommenting the properties to match the target database.
  3. When configuring to a DevTest supported external database, such as Oracle, DB2, MySQL, or SQL Server:
    1. Uncomment the following properties for that external database in the appropriate section.

      For example:

      lisadb.pool.common.driverClass=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver lisadb.pool.common.url
    2. Update the lisadb.pool.common.url property with the appropriate hostname, port, and SID values.
    3. Update the following user and password properties with the correct values for accessing the database:



    4. Comment out the following two properties for the Derby database:



    5. Set the following property to false:


  4. Start the registry or DevTest Workstation.