Installing › Installing the Demo Server
Installing the Demo Server
The optional demo server is a JBoss 4.2.3 application server that has several applications for demonstrating DevTest features.
- The examples project contains test cases that use the demo server.
- Some of the tutorials in Using CA Application Test use the demo server.
Note: The demo server uses port 1529, which cannot be in use by any other application. If this port is not available the demo server does not start successfully.
Follow these steps:
- Download the demo server as described in Download DevTest Installers.
- Select one of the following approaches to installing:
- (Preferred) Install the DevTest Solutions (Server or Workstation) and have the setup wizard unzip the file into the same installation directory (LISA_HOME). The setup wizard also creates a desktop icon for the demo server.
- Unzip the DevTestDemoServer.zip file on your computer. (In Windows, this file is downloaded to your Downloads folder.) Go to the lisa-demo-server folder and follow the instructions in the README file. The README file contains platform-specific instructions for starting the demo server.
- If you select the second approach, be aware of the following information:
- You must have Java 7 installed separately on your system.
- Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME. This variable is required for JBoss to compile and run JSP files.
- Do not put the JBoss Server directory on your desktop or any path that contains spaces. JBoss cannot compile the JSPs if there is a space in the path to its directory.
- To start the demo server from the command line, go to the LISA_HOME\DemoServer\lisa-demo-server directory and start the script for your operating system:
- (Windows) start-windows.bat
- (UNIX or Linux) start-unix-linux.sh
- (OS/X) start-osx.command
- To run the demo server on UNIX or Linux, use the /bin/bash shell.
- The demo server runs the DevTest Java Agent by default, reporting as much information as possible back to CA Continuous Application Insight. To turn off this reporting, use the -noagent flag. To turn off heap / stack information only, use the -noheapss flag.
- If native agent binaries are present on the widely used UNIX and Linux distributions, the demo server launches the native agent instead. To make the demo server use the pure Java agent in this case, pass the --javaagent parameter to the startup command. The native agent binaries are only intended for use with Java 1.4 and earlier.
- The demo server database is created when the demo server is started for the first time. This database is located in the LISA_HOME\DemoServer\lisa-demo-server\jboss\server\default\data\lisa-demo-server.db directory.
- After the demo server is started, you can access the server with a browser on port 8080.
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