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IBM WebSphere MQ Step

The IBM WebSphere MQ step lets you send messages to, and receive messages from, topics and queues. You can also receive, modify, and forward an existing message.

All the common message types including Empty, Text, Object, Bytes, Message, and Mapped (Extended) are supported.

The IBM WebSphere MQ step is configured using a single editor regardless of the messaging requirements. The input options vary on the messaging requirements. The editor only allows valid configurations, so when you enable some features, others could become inactive.

The default IBM WebSphere MQ step name uses the following convention: MQ queuename publish. If there is not a publish queue name, the default step name is MQ queuename subscribe. If another step uses the default step name, DevTest appends a number to this step name to keep it unique. You can change step names at any time.

Prerequisites: Using DevTest with this application requires that you make one or more files available to DevTest. For more information, see Third-Party File Requirements in Administering.

Parameter Requirements: You must have the connection parameters for your system under test. The following sections describe the required parameters.

The editor for the IBM WebSphere MQ step contains the following tabs:

Note: This topic describes the Base tab. For information about the other tabs, see JMS Messaging (JNDI).

IBM WebSphere MQ: Base Tab

The following graphic shows the Base tab. The tab is divided into the following sections:

To enable and disable the Subscriber Info, Publisher Info, and ReplyTo Info sections, use the enable check box in the top left corner of each section. Using these check boxes, you can configure the step to be a publish step, a subscribe step, or both. You can also include a reply to component in the step.

When you finish configuring the test step, click Test in the Error Handling and Test section to test the configuration settings.


Server Connection Info

To connect to WebSphere MQ, enter the following information:

Host Name

The name of the host.


The port for a client connection.


A connection property that is used for routing and management in the message bus.

Queue Manager

A connection property that is used for routing and management.


Optional for connections and only applies if character transformation must occur between the client (DevTest) and server.

User Name

The login user name, if applicable.


The login password, if applicable.

Client Mode

Lets you select how you want to interact with the WebSphere MQ server.

Share Sessions

Select to specify sharing everything in MQ Native Mode, including the connection.


Publisher Info

To set up the ability to send (publish) messages, select the enable check box.

To execute a commit when the message is sent, select the use transaction check box.

Enter the following parameters:


The name of the topic or queue. Use Search Icon - magnifying glass to browse the JNDI server for the topic or queue name.


Select whether you are using a topic or queue. To see what messages are waiting to be consumed from a queue (only), use Browse Browse icon to the right of this field.


Select the type of message you are sending. The supported types are Empty, Text, Object, Bytes, Message, and Mapped (Extended).

Alt QManager

The queue manager that hosts the publish queue, if it is different from the queue manager to which you are connecting.

Message Properties

Lets you set publish properties on the message. The list of properties changes depending on the client mode. For more information, see the WebSphere MQ documentation and the JMS and MQ Message Properties knowledge base article. If the client mode is JMS, then you can add custom message properties.


Subscriber Info

To set up to enable the ability to receive (subscribe to) messages, select the enable check box.

Enter the following parameters:


The name of the topic or queue. Use Search Icon - magnifying glass to browse the JNDI server for the topic or queue name.


Select whether you are using a topic or queue, and whether to listen in synchronous or asynchronous mode. For asynchronous mode, you also must have an entry in the Async key field. To see what messages are waiting to be consumed from a queue (only), click Browse, to the right of this field.

Timeout (secs)

Indicates the number of seconds before DevTest interrupts waiting for a message. For no timeout, leave this field blank.

Queue Model

MQ requires this value to create temporary destinations. The queue model is configured on the MQ server, and it is only active when use temporary queue/topic is checked. In this case, the ReplyTo Info section is disabled.

Async Key

Enter the value that is necessary to identify asynchronous messages. This value is only required in asynchronous mode. This value is used in a subsequent Message Consumer step to retrieve asynchronous messages.

Durable Session Key

By entering a name here you are requesting a durable session. You are also providing a key for that session. A durable session lets you receive all of your messages from a topic even if you log out, and then you log in again.

Session Mode

Select the appropriate mode from the available options by clicking the drop-down list. Options are: Auto Acknowledge, Client Acknowledge, Use Transaction, Auto (Duplicates Okay).

Use temporary queue/topic

If you want JMS.provider to set up a temporary queue/topic on your behalf, select the use temporary queue/topic check box. When a temporary queue/topic is used, the JMS ReplyTo parameter of the message you send to the temporary queue/topic is automatically set. The temporary queue/topic feature must always be used with a publisher so that a reply can be sent. If you use a temporary queue/topic, the ReplyTo section is disabled.

Make payload last response

To make the payload as the last response, select this option.

Use correlation ID for subscribe

Enables filtering of incoming messages using the values in Subscribe Properties.

Subscribe Properties

Lets you set subscribe properties on the message. For more information, see the WebSphere MQ documentation and the JMS and MQ Message Properties knowledge base article.


ReplyTo Info

To set up a destination queue/topic, select the enable check box.

If your application requires a destination, it is set up in this section.

Enter the following parameters:


The name of the topic or queue. Use Search Icon - magnifying glass to browse the JNDI server for the topic or queue name.


Select whether you are using a topic or queue. To see what messages are waiting to be consumed from a queue (only), use Browse Browse icon to the right of this field.

Queue Manager

Allows the ReplyTo to be on a different Queue Manager than the Publisher (in this step).


Error Handling and Test

If an error occurs, the Error Handling and Test section lets you redirect to a step.

If Environment Error

Specifies the action to take or the step to go to if the test fails because of an environment error.

Default: Abort the test.

Click Test to test your step configuration settings.