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EJB Baseline Test Cases

Consolidated EJB baseline test cases have an Execute Transaction Frame step that reads from a Large Data data set.

The following graphic shows an example of a consolidated EJB baseline test case.

Screen capture of EJB baseline test case.

The data set contains the following information:

By default, the data set is local, rather than global.

The Execute Transaction Frame step includes a Graphical XML Side-by-Side Comparison assertion with the name Assert Response Equals. This assertion verifies that the actual response matches the expected response.

Stateful EJB baseline test cases have one or more Enterprise JavaBean Execution steps. Each step includes the following assertions:

The following graphic shows an example of a stateful EJB baseline test case.

Screen capture of a stateful EJB baseline test case.

To run the test case, do one of the following actions:

You can monitor the results in the Consolidated Baseline tab.

Note: For information about how to stage a quick test or a test case, see Running Test Cases and Suites in Using CA Application Test.