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webMethods Integration Server

This topic applies to webMethods Integration Server 9.0 and 9.5.

Specify the agent parameters string in the server.bat or file. You can use the agent install assistant to determine the required value. The following example is based on the pure Java agent:

set JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-javaagent:E:/agent/InsightAgent.jar=url=tcp://,name=wm

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the bin directory in the webMethods Integration Server installation.
  2. Open the server.bat or file.
  3. Add the agent parameters string before the line that calls the java executable.
  4. Save the file.
Windows Service

If webMethods Integration Server is defined as a Windows service, you can edit the server.bat file by inserting the agent parameters string in the /jvmargs value that is defined in the if "1%1"=="1-service" switch. For example:

"%IS_DIR%\bin\SaveSvcParams.exe" /svcname %2 /jvm "%JAVA_DIR%\.." /binpath "%PATH%" /classpath %CLASSPATH% /jvmargs "-javaagent:c:/DevTest/agent/InsightAgent.jar=name=MyIS %JAVA2_MEMSET%" /progargs "%IS_DIR%\bin\ini.cnf"#"-service %2"#%PREPENDCLASSES_SWITCH%#%PREPENDCLASSES%#%APPENDCLASSES_SWITCH%#%APPENDCLASSES%#%ENV_CLASSPATH_SWITCH%#%ENV_CLASSPATH%#%3#%4#%5#%6#%7#%8#%9