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Browser Bandwidth Simulation Companion

The Browser Bandwidth Simulation companion lets you simulate varied bandwidths for the virtual users. Some testing scenarios call for the simulations of different types of internet connections.

To configure the Browser Bandwidth Simulation companion:

Complete the following fields:


The connection speed. For example, to simulate a connection speed of 56K, enter a BytesPerSec of 7000 (56000 bits / 8 bits per byte = 7000 bytes per second).


The weight that is given to this row. For example, to assign weights of 25 percent, 25 percent, and 50percent to three rows, set the Weight columns of the rows to 1, 1, and 2. In the example that is shown, half the virtual users connect at 6000 bytes per second and half at 100,000 bytes per second.

To add a line, use the Add button.

To delete a line, use the Delete button.