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Web Browser Simulation Companion

The Web Browser Simulation companion lets you simulate various web browsers. The web browsers identify themselves to a web server using the User-Agent HTTP header. You configure DevTest to simulate several user-agents when you are running several virtual users in a staged test. Each user-agent string is assigned a relative weight, allowing one browser to appear more often than others.

To specify the weights, use the default Browser Selection Companion Editor.

To configure the Web Browser Selection companion, enter or edit the list of browser agents and the weights:

Complete the following fields:


The browser to simulate.


The weight for this browser. For example, assume you want to assign weights of 25 percent, 25 percent, and 50 percent for three browsers. Enter the weights as 1, 1, and 2 for the three rows, and 0 for the others (or delete the extra rows).

When the test case is run, DevTest selects one of the browsers to emulate: all HTTP transactions sent from DevTest include the User-Agent string for that browser. The selection criteria is random, with each browser weight representing one “chance” that the browser will be selected.

DevTest only selects a browser to emulate when the test case initializes. The browser agent string that DevTest selects remains in effect during the execution of the test case. To simulate a distribution of browsers, run the test case multiple times inside a suite.

To add another user-agent, click Add LISA-- icon_image_whiteplussign.

To delete a line, click Delete con_image_whitetrashcanbluebackground.