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Base64 Encoder

The Base64 Encoder step is used to encode a file using the Base-64 encoding algorithm. The result can be stored into a property for use elsewhere in the test case.

The Base64 Encoder step accepts a file as input and encodes the file using Base64 encoding. You can store the encoded file in a property. To encode a file, click Load. The Base64 encoded text that is displayed in the editor is read-only.

Complete the following fields:


Enter the full path and path name, or browse to the file to be encoded.

Property Key [opt]

The name of the property in which to store the encoded file.


Click to load and test the encoding of the file. Optionally, store it in the specified property.

If environment error

Action to take if an environment error occurs.

After the file is encoded, you can add filters and assertions. The valid options are:

When you have added filters and assertions, click Load to load the file or Save Save icon to save the editor contents in a new file.