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Web-Raw SOAP Request

The Raw SOAP Request step lets you test a web service by sending a raw SOAP request (raw XML). You can use this step to test legacy SOAP calls or web services that do not have a WSDL. This step also lets you test the reaction of a web service to data of an incorrect type. For example, sending a string when it expects a number, which is not allowed in the Web Service Execution step. Another use for the Raw SOAP request is to reduce overhead during intense load tests. The regular web service step has some additional overhead because it marshals an object into XML to make the request. This step then unmarshals the SOAP XML response back into an object. The Raw SOAP step avoids this overhead and only deals with the raw SOAP XML. Because it has less work to do, it executes faster.

You can type or paste the SOAP request into the editor. The request can also be read from a file, and then parameterized using DevTest properties.

Dynamic WS-Addressing or WS-Security headers are not supported. To have these types of headers, enter them statically as part of the SOAP request in the input area. If your request contains items like a WS-Security signature token, the signed elements cannot be parameterized or the signature is no longer valid.

Note: This step is not limited to SOAP calls. You can also do XML or text POSTs.

To create a Raw SOAP Request:

Complete the following fields:


Enter the URL of the web service endpoint. The URL is converted into a single property instead of simply substituting the WSSERVER and PORT properties.

SOAP Action

Complete the SOAP action as indicated in <soap: operation> tag in the WSDL for the method being called. This action is required for SOAP 1.1 and is typically required to be left blank for SOAP 1.2.

Content Type

Select the Content Type. Use text/HTML for SOAP 1.1, application/SOAP+XML for SOAP 1.2.

Advanced button

Click to add any custom HTTP headers.

Discard response

Check to discard the response, replacing it with a small valid but static SOAP text. This feature is intended for load testing where processing a large response limits the scalability of the load generator computers.

Type or paste the SOAP Request into the editor, or click Read Request From File and browse to the file containing the SOAP Request.

Now you can parameterize the request with properties.

To execute the call, click Test.

To examine the response, click the Results tab.

You are now ready to add filters and assertions.