The SNMP metrics use the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to monitor the system performance.
Setting up SNMP Support
Configure SNMP before you can collect the SNMP metrics. For more details about setting up SNMP on UNIX and Windows, see Install and Configuring SNMP in Installing.
To add SNMP Metrics:
The Add SNMP Metric dialog opens.
The MIB Groups tree displays all the SNMP metrics that come standard with DevTest Workstation.
A MIB is a predefined database of a set of metrics on a specific domain.
The Host field provides system information about a server hosting a coordinator server. Some host metrics include hrProcessorLoad for CPU utilization and hrSystemUptime for the amount of time after this host was last initialized.
Provides information that is related to the system, like up time, date, and number of users.
Provides JDBC, JMS, JVM, socket, servlet, and web application information about a Server running BEA WebLogic. Some BEA WebLogic metrics include jvmRuntime-HeapFreeCurrent for the current amount of free memory in the JVM heap in bytes, and webAppComponentRuntimeOpenSessionsCurrentCount for the current total number of open sessions in this component.
Provides information about a server running a generic relational database management system. Some RDBMS metrics include rdbmsSrvInfoPageReads for the number of physical page reads that were completed after the RDBMS was last restarted, and rdbmsSrvInfoPageWrites for the number of single page writes that were completed after the RDBMS was last restarted.
Provides information about a server running Oracle. Some Oracle metrics include oraDbSysUserCommits for the number of user commits, and oraDbSysUserRollbacks for the number of times data has rolled back.
Provides information about a server running Microsoft SQL Server. Some Microsoft SQL Server metrics include mssqlSrvInfoCacheHitRatio for the percentage of time that a requested data page was found in the data cache (instead of being read from disk), and mssqlSrvInfoUserConnections for the number of open user connections.
The required parameters for this target metric are completed in the MIB Object form in the right panel. A description of the metric is displayed in the text box. The other information can be ignored or accepted.
To add SNMP metrics that are not in the MIB Group tree, manually enter the data (OID) into the MIB Object form. An OID is the unique identifier of a specific metric, using a tree-structured naming scheme. The domain root OID for ITKO is ".", so all SNMP metrics start from there.
The Load From MIB button lets you browse the file system for MIBs.
The SNMP Walk button lets you browse an SNMP tree.
Note: All SNMP MIBs are supported. The set of MIBs displayed in the Add SNMP Metric dialog are only a sample of the MIBs that are supported. The Add SNMP Metric dialog makes it easier to understand the Object IDs (OIDs) in those MIBs. However, any valid OID works, not only those OIDs that are displayed in the Add SNMP Metric dialog. A set of all the standard MIBs from IETF and IANA are provided. Those MIBs are stored in the LISA_HOME\snmp\ietf and LISA_HOME\snmp\iana directories.
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