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Load Pattern Selection

The Base tab of the Staging Document Editor includes a Load Pattern Selection panel.

The load pattern options are as follows:

Note: Pacing is only supported with the following load patterns:

Pacing depends on the ability of the load pattern to estimate the number of steady-state instances. The number of steady-state instances running affects the pace at which steps run. These load patterns are the only ones that can estimate that pace.


Immediately Ramp

The Immediately Ramp pattern applies when you are running only a few virtual users (instances) but you want to specify the test duration. You are not concerned with any loading pattern. This pattern starts all virtual users simultaneously.

To configure this pattern, enter the following parameters:


The number of virtual users.

Max Run Time

Select either No Max (the test case determines the time) or Maximum Run Time. In the latter case, specify the Maximum Run Time. This setting overwrites any value that is entered for Cycles. You can specify h for hours, m for minutes, s (or no letter) for seconds (default).

The graph at the bottom provides a graphical view of the pattern.


Manual Load Pattern

The Manual Load pattern gives you the most control over the loading and unloading of virtual users (instances). This pattern is similar to the Stair Steps pattern, but it lets you specify both the number of virtual users to add, and the time interval for each step in the pattern, individually.

To configure this pattern, you define each step as a row in a table. In each row, you define the time interval and the number of virtual users to add or remove (the Instances Change column) for that step. The elapsed time (the Total Time column) and the total number of virtual users (Running Instances column) are automatically calculated.

In the Time Interval column, enter a time followed by h for hours, m for minutes, s (or no letter) for seconds (default).

To add, remove, or change the current order of the steps, use the standard icons from the toolbar at the bottom of the table.

You could have to scroll to see these icons. Alternatively, you can select a row and can use the following shortcuts:

The graph at the bottom provides a graphical view of the pattern.


Run N Times

The Run N Times pattern applies when you run only one or only a few virtual users (instances), but you want to specify how many times the test runs. You are not concerned with any loading pattern. This pattern starts all virtual users simultaneously.

To configure this pattern, enter the following parameters:


The number of virtual users.


Select between running continuously for the interval set in Max Run Time, or running a maximum number of times.

Max Run Time

Select either No Max (the test case determines the time) or Maximum Run Time. In the latter case, specify the Maximum Run Time. This setting overwrites any value that is entered for Cycles. You can specify h for hours, m for minutes, s (or no letter) for seconds (default).


Stair Steps

The Stair Steps pattern introduces virtual users (instances) to the system in well-defined steps, instead of all at once. You specify the total number of steady state users, the ramp up and ramp down times, and the number of steps for the ramp.

To configure this pattern, enter the following parameters:

Steady State Instances

The maximum number of virtual users to run at steady state.

Number of Steps

The number of steps to use to reach the maximum number of virtual users. The number of virtual users to introduce at each step is: Steady State Instances that are divided by Number of Steps.

Ramp Up Time

The time period over which virtual users are added to reach the maximum number of virtual users. The time interval between steps is: Ramp Up Time that is divided by Number of Steps.

Steady State Time

The time period of the meaningful test run.

Ramp Down Time

The time period over which virtual users are removed. Because the tests will run to completion after a "stop" request, the ramp down times are approximate.

You can enter a time followed by h for hours, m for minutes, s (or no letter) for seconds (default).

The graph at the bottom provides a graphical view of the pattern.


Weighted Average Pattern

The Weighted Average pattern adds and removes virtual users (instances) based on a statistical calculation. DevTest calculates the number of steps, and the time period between steps, as frequently as every second, by honoring a moving weighted average. This distribution will approximate a bell curve distribution. Most virtual users are added within two standard deviations of the mid-point of the load, or unload ramp time.

To configure this pattern, enter the following parameters:

Steady State Instances

The maximum number of virtual users to run at steady state.

Ramp Up Time

The time period over which virtual users are added to reach the maximum number of virtual users.

Steady State Time

The time period of the meaningful test run.

Ramp Down Time

The time period over which virtual users are removed. Because the tests will run to completion after a "stop" request, the ramp down times are approximate.

You can enter a time followed by h for hours, m for minutes, s (or no letter) for seconds (default).

The graph at the bottom provides a graphical view of the pattern.