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Configure vCloud Director

To enable the provisioning of development and test labs with VMware vCloud Director as the Virtual Lab Manager (VLM) provider, perform configuration steps in vCloud Director.

This topic uses the following vCloud Director concepts:

vApps and vApp templates in vCloud Director correspond to labs in DevTest.

During the configuration procedure, you create virtual machine images for the following DevTest Server components:

If you want the labs to include only a coordinator and simulator, then you do not need to create an image for the VSE.

If you want the labs to include only a Virtual Service Environment, then you do not need to create images for the coordinator and simulator.

Each server component must be configured to start in remoteInit mode. This mode causes the server component to start and then wait until the DevTest Cloud Manager (DCM) sends the required initialization settings.

To configure vCloud Director:

  1. Using an application such as VMware Workstation, create a virtual machine image for each server component that you want to include in a lab.
  2. Log in to the vCloud Director web console as an administrator.
  3. Import each virtual machine image that you created as a vApp template.
  4. Create a vApp from the vApp templates.
  5. Add the vApp to a catalog.