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Exporting Reports

In the Reports viewer, the reports can be exported in three formats:


Export Reports to XML

If your test suite or staging document specified the XML Report, you can export the report data directly to an XML file. To export, right-click on the test or suite and select Export. For more information, see Reports - Graphical View. After saving your exported data, you can format or manipulate it.

Exporting your report data to XML lets you move reporting data from one registry to another.


Export Reports to Excel

You can export all reports data to an Excel spreadsheet.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the report to export.
  2. Select the Grid check box.

    The report must be in grid view before you can export to Excel.

  3. Click Export to Excel.
  4. Specify the name of the Excel file.

    The reporting data is stored in the saved Excel file.


Export Reports to PDF

You can also export the report data to PDF.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the graphical view of the report.
  2. Click the Export to PDF icon.

    The Select a Report window opens.

  3. Select the report that you want to export.