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Tutorial 10 - Stage a Quick Test

In this tutorial, you use the quick staging option (quick test) to learn how to stage tests and read subsequent reports. You run the quick test on the multi-tier-combo example that accompanies DevTest. Running a quick test is the simplest way to stage a test.

Tutorial Tasks

In this tutorial, you:


Step 1 - Open the Test Case

Open a test case from the examples project.

Follow these steps:

  1. Select File, Open, Test Case, File System from the main menu.
  2. Navigate to the LISA_HOME\examples\Tests folder.
  3. Select multi-tier-combo and click Open.

    The multi-tier-combo test case opens in the model editor.

Step 2 - Review the Test Case

Review the various types of test steps in this test case. For example:

Step 2 - Part A - Run a Quick Test

Follow these steps:

  1. From the menu bar, click Stage Quick Test icon Stage a Quick Test on the test case toolbar.

    To stage a quick test, the example test case can be open in the model editor. Or, you can right-click on the test in the Project panel and can enter the parameters to stage a quick test from there.

    Screenshot of Stage Quick Test dialog for multi-tier-combo for Tutorial 10

  2. In the Stage a Quick Test dialog, complete the following required information:

    Screenshot of Stage Quick Test dialog for Tutorial 10

  3. Click OK.

    The Test Run window opens, but the test has not started yet.

  4. To start the test running, click LISA--icon_image_whiterightarrowongreen from the main toolbar.

    The test begins, and the graph immediately plots results.

    Screenshot of staged test running for Tutorial 10

    You can roll over the graph lines to view descriptions.

    Screenshot of Quick Test graph with popup information box

  5. To select which events to display, select the Events tab.

    Screenshot of Events Tab after running Quick Test

Step 2 - Part B - View Generated Reports

DevTest provides a report viewer to view reports.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click View, Reporting Console from the main menu, or click Reports Main Toolbar Reports icon on the toolbar.

    The Report Viewer opens.

    Screenshot of Report Viewer for Tutorial 10

  2. To see only recent activity, click the Recent button.

    The graph in the previous graphic shows that all of the tests in this test case passed.

You can right-click the graph for different menus. For more information about reports, see the Reports section in Using CA Application Test.

Tutorial 10 - Review

In this tutorial, you tested the multi-tier-combo example using a quick test. You learned how to: