Using the SDK › The Integration API › Integration API Concepts
Integration API Concepts
DevTest Solutions provides a powerful framework for testing server-side components. However, if a test fails, the framework provides little information about why the test failed. Although the component under test often calculates information that is of interest to the tester, this information is difficult to retrieve.
The integration API provides several elements for getting information out of server-side components. These elements include:
- Integrators: The application-specific Java classes that coordinate communication with the running test. For example, an EJB Integrator informs an EJB component whether integration is turned on. For more information about integrators, see Integrating Components.
- TransInfo Class: Abbreviation for Transaction Information. The integrated component uses this class to indicate testing events, such as a test failure or success. For more information about using the TransInfo class, see Integrating Components.
- HasLisaIntegrator Interface: Implemented by object types that are returned by methods that are integrated using Java-based integrators. These object types provide the running test with the information it needs about how the test has changed while testing the component. For more information about implementing the HasLisaIntegrator interface, see Constructing a Response Object.
- Integration Filters: Application-specific DevTest filters that coordinate communication with the integrated component. For example, the Servlet Filter turns on integration support for a servlet component and specifies a node to execute if the servlet returns specific values. For more information about integration filters, see Integration Filters.
- Integration Assertions: Special assertion elements that take advantage of the additional information that integrated server-side components provide. For example, a Check Integrator Response assertion can set the next test step based on the build status reported by the integrated component. For more information about integration assertions, see Integration Assertions.
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