Using the SDK › Testing Integrated Components › Integration Filters
Integration Filters
An integration filter is an application-specific DevTest filter that coordinates the communication with the integrated component. The inclusion of an integration filter indicates two things:
- DevTest must turn on support for integration with that type of server-side component.
- When an integrated server-side component returns results that match the attributes of the filter, execute a specific test step as the next test step.
For example, the Servlet Filter turns on integration support for a servlet component and specifies a test step to execute if the servlet returns specific values. A test case developer typically defines multiple integration filters of a single type. Each filter checks a specific condition and sets the next test step accordingly.
The model editor provides built-in support for three integration filter types:
- Integration Filter for Java Applications
- Integration Filter for Servlet Applications
- Integration Filter for EJB Applications
Defining an integration filter in a test case indicates that DevTest wants to turn on integration for that type and to listen for responses of that type. To define an integration filter, create the filter, select the type, and set the attributes.
- Trans Build Status: The server-side component has set the build status on the TransInfo to a specific value. This field takes one or more build status code letters. For example, to define a filter that fires if the build status is set to any terminating status, enter the value IEF.
- Trans Build Message Expression: The server-side component has supplied a string as the message parameter to the setBuildStatus method of the TransInfo that matches the specified regular expression.
- Component Name Match: The server-side component created a subcomponent with a name that matches the value of this field. Possible values for the field include:
- empty: Do not evaluate, meaning that there is never a match.
- *: Match anything except a null.
- anything else: Evaluated as a regular expression.
- Component Build Status: The server-side component has set the build status on the CompInfo to a specific value. This field takes one or more build status code letters. For example, to define a filter that fires if the build status is set to any terminating status, enter the value IEF.
- Component Build Message Expression: The server-side component has supplied a string as the message parameter to the setBuildStatus method of the TransInfo that matches the specified regular expression.
- Exception Type Match: The server-side component threw an exception with a type that matches the value of this field. Possible values for the field include:
- empty: Do not evaluate, meaning that there is never a match.
- *: Match anything except a null.
- anything else: Evaluated as a regular expression.
- Max Build Time (millis): The time to execute the server-side component took less than the number of milliseconds specified.
- On Transaction Error Node: If the server-side component matches the specified attributes, then execute the node that was specified.
- Report Component Content: If this box is selected, the servlet application tested includes the actual content of the components in the output.
Note: Only select the Report Component Content box if necessary, as it can be very bandwidth intensive. Also, the check box is only a request. Servlet applications can ignore the request and not provide the component content.
For more information about filters, see Using CA Application Test.
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