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Create the LPAR Agent Config Member

The configuration data that the DevTest LPAR Agent requires is specified as keyword/value pairs in plain text. Specify the PDS member in a DD statement in the proc that is used to start the LPAR Agent. Specify the DD name in the PARM value in the EXEC statement. The file is parsed as follows:

The keywords that can be used to configure the LPAR Agent are:


Specifies the name of the LPAR Agent. This name is used for things like logging.

Default: DevTest LPAR Agent


Specifies whether the LPAR Agent is in server (keyword: Server) or client (keyword: Client) mode. In Server mode, the agent accepts connections from the DevTest registry on the port PortClient. This value must be the opposite of the lisa.mainframe.bridge.mode property in


When running in server mode, defines the value of the well-known port to which clients connect. This port number must match the value that the lisa.mainframe.bridge.server.port property in specifies.

Default: 3997


When running in client mode, specifies the IP address of the server to which to connect. This IP address typically matches the IP address of the DevTest Server host running the registry.


When running in client mode, defines the port number that the DevTest Server registry uses. This port must match the value that the lisa.mainframe.bridge.port property in specifies.


Defines the value of the well-known port that CICS agents connect to. This port number must match the value that all CICS agents connecting to this LPAR Agent configure.

Default: 3998


Specifies whether packet tracing is initially turned on.


Limits: These values are not case-sensitive.

Default: False


Defines the initial buffer size allocated. This value is typically set to twice the size of the largest data payload expected. The buffer size can be reallocated up to the configured maximum when packets of a larger size than this value are received.

Default: 65536


Defines the maximum packet size to be accepted. A packet larger than this value is discarded and a message is logged. A value of 0 disables the size verification, and packets of any size from a client are accepted.

Default: 0

The following sample configuration file for running in server mode is in the CONFIGSV member of ITKO.LPARAGNT.CNTL:

# A sample server mode configuration file 
Name             = DevTest LPAR Agent 
# Mode can be "Client" or "Server" 
Mode             = Server 
PortClient       = 3997 
# The port used as a server for the agent connections
PortAgent        = 3998 
BufferSize       = 65536 
MaxBufferSize    = 65536 


The following sample configuration file for running in client mode is found in the CONFIGCL member of ITKO.LPARAGNT.CNTL:

# A sample client mode configuration file 
Name              = DevTest LPAR Agent 
# Mode can be "Client" or "Server" 
Mode              = Client 
Server            = 
ServerPort        = 61617 
# The port used as a server for the agent connections
PortAgent         = 3998 
BufferSize        = 65536 
MaxBufferSize     = 65536 