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Set up the LPAR Agent

The LPARAGNT member in ITKO.LPARAGNT.CNTL can be used as a model for the proc that runs the LPAR Agent as a started task. After the new proc member is created, it must be copied to a PROCLIB from where tasks can be started. Four JCL statements make up the proc:


Statement that specifies the name of the started task.


Statement that specifies the program name and parameters.


The PDSE load library that contains the LPAR Agent load module.


The DD statement that specifies a PDS member where the LPAR Agent configuration is defined.

The PARM specified in the EXEC statement defines environment variables. The PARM also specifies the DD name of the statement that points to the LPAR Agent configuration data member. A forward slash (‘/’) delimits the PARM data. Values before the slash specify run-time options and values after the slash specify the command-line arguments to the application. The environment variable is a run-time option and the LPAR Agent configuration data is a command-line argument.

Currently the only environment variable that the LPAR Agent recognizes is a time zone. The variable is optional and if not specified, defaults to UTC. This variable is used to calculate date and time values in the messages that the LPAR Agent produces. The valid values are the standard UNIX TZ strings, for example, EST5EDT, CST6CDT, MST7MDT, PST8PDT.

The following sample proc is in the LPARAGNT member of ITKO.LPARAGNT.CNTL: