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Create the CICS Agent Config File

The CICS agent communicates with the LPAR Agent through TCP/IP. The CICS Agent configuration file identifies the IP address and TCP port number of the LPAR Agent. This file is accessed as a Transient Data (TD) Queue during agent startup. This data set has attributes: DSORG=PS, RECFM=FB, LRECL=80.

Lines in the file with an asterisk (‘*’) in column 1 are ignored. The first record without an asterisk in column 1 contains the IP address and port number of the LPAR Agent. This record must be in the following format:

Bytes 1 to 15

Byte 16

Bytes 17 to 21

Bytes 22 to 80

IP address of LPAR Agent


Port number of LPAR Agent


The member CONFIG of the control PDS contains the following example:

* ITKO CICS Agent Configuration 
* Columns 1 - 15 contain LPAR Agent IP address (15 chars) 
* Columns 17 - 21 contain LPAR Agent port number (5 chars)    2998