Previous Topic: Agent Install AssistantNext Topic: Example 2 - Pure Java Agent Using Automatic Configuration

Example 1 - Pure Java Agent

This example is based on the pure Java agent. The automatic configuration option is not used.

java -jar LisaAgent.jar -ia -java
Enter the path of the Java executable [C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java]:

Enter the DevTest broker URL [tcp://localhost:2009]:

NOTE: If the DevTest agent name contains the character sequence


it will be replaced with a unique identifier.

Enter the DevTest agent name [{{x}}]:


System verification complete.  You can manually add these options to the java command-line to start the DevTest agent:


Do you need assistance to automatically configure the DevTest agent? Please enter [Yes/Y], if no, enter any other letter, then enter

Please manually add these options to the Java command-line to start the DevTest agent