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Quick Start Window

The Quick Start window is the first one you see when you open DevTest Workstation.

Note: The Quick Start window is always available as a tab after more tabs are opened.

Quick Start window

The Quick Start window has some of the most useful options in DevTest Workstation. When you click an option, its parameters are listed on the right side of the window.

The following choices are available on this window. Depending on your screen resolution, you could see the compact or the expanded wording for each menu choice. To view all menu options, click the down arrow at the bottom of the window.

Open Recent

When DevTest Workstation opens, by default this option is selected. The right pane displays recently opened projects, test cases and suites, staging documents, VS models or VS images (if applicable).

Quick Start window, Open Recent option

New WS Test

The New WS Test option in the Quick Start window lets you create a Web Service test case. The parameters that are needed are displayed in the right pane.

Quick Start window, New WS test option

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the WSDL URL, Service, and Port details.
  2. Select the operations that you want to test from All or None or select each item individually.
  3. In the right pane, enter the name of the test and select the path where you would like to save it in the project folder. When you select the path, it is seen in the Path field. In this pane, you can right-click on any folder and can create one or can rename or delete an existing one.
  4. To create the test case, click the green arrow LISA--icon_image_whitearrowgreenbackground.

For more information, see Generate a Web Service in Using CA Application Test.

New Web Test

The New Web Test option in the Quick Start window lets you create a web test.

Quick Start window, New Web Test option

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the URL for the web test.
  2. Select Capture HTTP traffic only.
  3. Select your options in the check boxes:
    HTML Responses Only

    Captures only the HTML responses.

    Use External Browser

    Opens an external browser window.

    Configure IE for DevTest

    Configures Internet Explorer for DevTest.

  4. In the right pane, enter the name of the test and select the path where you would like to save it in the project folder. When you select the path, it is seen in the Path field. In this pane, you can right-click on any folder and can create, rename, or delete one.
  5. To create the test case, click the green arrow LISA--icon_image_whitearrowgreenbackground.

For more information, see Record a Website in Using CA Application Test.

Send SOAP Doc

The Send SOAP Doc option in the Quick Start window lets you create a SOAP Request test case.

Quick Start window, Send SOAP Doc option

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the SOAP server URL and SOAP Action.
  2. Enter the URL of the web service endpoint in the SOAP Server URL field.
  3. In the SOAP Action field, enter the SOAP action as indicated in the <soap: operation> tag in the WSDL for the method being called. This value is required for SOAP 1.1 and often required to be left blank for SOAP 1.2.
  4. Type or paste the SOAP Request into the editor.
  5. Enter the name of the test in the Save to field.
  6. To create the test case, click the green arrow LISA--icon_image_whitearrowgreenbackground.
Create VSM

The Create VSM option in the Quick Start window lets you create a Virtual Service Model and a corresponding Virtual Service Image.

Quick Start window, Create VSM option

Follow these steps:

  1. Select the transport protocol from the list of available protocols. Your selection here will determine the next sequence of windows.
  2. Enter the name of the service image.
  3. Enter the name of the VSM and select the path where you would like to save it in the project folder. When you select the path, it is seen in the Path field.
  4. To create the test case, click the green arrow LISA--icon_image_whitearrowgreenbackground.

For more detailed information about the windows and options for VSM and VSI creation, see Create a Service Image.

Record WS VSI

The Record WS VSI option in the Quick Start window lets you create a web services Virtual Service Image. The parameters that are needed are displayed in the right pane.

Quick Start window, Record WS VSI option

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter a port on which to listen and record.
  2. Enter the URL of the web service to record.
  3. Enter the target host and port to record.
  4. To determine whether to use SSL with this service image, use the SSL check box.
  5. Enter the name of the VSM and SI.
  6. To create the test case, click the green arrow LISA--icon_image_whitearrowgreenbackground.

The VSI from WSDL option in the Quick Start window lets you create a Virtual Service Image from a WSDL. The properties that are required are displayed in the right pane.

Quick Start window, VSI from WSDL option

Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the WSDL URL, Service, and Port details. If the WSDL URL you enter does not contain properties in its path, Service and Port are populated automatically.
  2. To select the operations to test, click All or None or select each operation individually.
  3. Enter the name of the service image and select the path in the project folder at which to save it.
  4. To create the test case, click the green arrow LISA--icon_image_whitearrowgreenbackground.
Learn More

The Learn More option in the Quick Start window displays a link to the documentation, online support, and the DevTest global community.

All available user documentation for DevTest is accessible from this menu.

DevTest Workstation Memory Meter

At the bottom right corner of the DevTest Workstation main window, the DevTest Workstation Memory Meter displays the run-time memory usage and availability information.