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Manage Users and Roles

Administrators with Super User access manage users and roles from the Administration panel in the Server Console. Consider the following approach:

  1. Review roles and user types.
    1. Select Roles.
    2. On the Permissions tab, notice that the available roles are listed with the associated user types. For example, the Test Administrator role is associated with the SV Power User user type.
    3. Your license agreement specifies the maximum number of concurrent users allowed for each user type. Keep this figure in mind as you assign roles to users. Notice that many roles map to the same user type.
    4. Examine permissions associated with each role and, optionally, customize permissions.
    5. Optionally, add a new role based on a standard role. The new role inherits the user type of the role on which it is based.
  2. Add all DevTest users.
    1. Select Users.
    2. DevTest uses the user ID and password you specify to authenticate the named user.
    3. DevTest uses the role you specify to authorize the user to perform various activities based on the granted permissions.
  3. Verify that you have satisfactorily configured all of your users with the appropriate roles. If you customized existing roles or added new ones, verify the configuration.
  4. Back up your database strategically per your in-house maintenance policies. This is a precaution that enables you to quickly recover your configuration of users and roles in case of database corruption. The resolution to a corrupted ACL database is to perform a Restore that should be managed by your database administrator.

More information:

Change the Priority Order of Roles

View the Audit Log

adduser Command-Line Utility

Add and Update Roles

Add and Update Users