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Automatic Deletion of Audit Log Entries

The access control (ACL) feature stores the audit log in the DevTest database. On a periodic basis, the registry runs a process to delete old audit log entries from the database.

The following properties control this behavior:


Specifies how often to run the automatic deletion process. The default value is 1d, which means that the process runs once a day. The valid units of time are d, h, m, and s (for days, hours, minutes, and seconds).


Specifies the minimum age of audit log entries that are deleted by the automatic deletion process. The default value is 30d, which means that entries are considered to be old after 30 days. The valid units of time are d, h, m, and s (for days, hours, minutes, and seconds).

The default value of each property is located in the file. If you want to change the default value, add the property to the file.