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Automatic Reporting Maintenance

Two processes that run in the background affect reporting.


Performance Summary Calculator

This process calculates the statistics for a test or suite run. Many of the graphs in the reporting portal depend on this process, so it cannot be disabled. You can vary the scheduling of the performance summary calculator by changing the following properties:


Determines how many minutes to wait after starting the registry before starting this process.


Determines how long to wait between runs of the process.


Report Cleaner

This process is responsible for deleting "expired" report runs from the database.


You can enable or disable the report cleaner by setting this property. If disabled, the report cleaner process does not run, and the remaining properties have no effect.


Sets the expiration value of a suite or test. Once a suite or test is older than this value, it is deleted. The property value is a number followed by a suffix. The following suffixes are valid, with t being the default:

Keep in mind that tests and suites are deleted at approximately the same time of day that they were created. Adding several hours can minimize delete processes running during the day. However, there is no absolute way to ensure the times that a delete process runs.


To force the completion of a test (in the reporting database). Some suites or tests that fail to finish cleanly are never marked as "finished" in the database. Tests that are not marked "finished" are not deleted by the report cleaner and do not have performance summary calculations performed. Any test that is older than this value is marked as completed in the database. The completed tests are only removed from the database after the expireTimer has also been accounted for. If you have tests that run longer than 24 hours by default, increase the value for this process.


You can vary the scheduling of the report cleaner by changing the following properties:


Determines how many minutes to wait after starting the registry before starting this process.


Determines how long to wait between runs of the process.