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junitlisareport Ant Task

You can produce HTML-based reports with the junitlisareport task or the regular junitreport task.

The junitlisareport task is a subclass of the regular junitreport element, except that sensible defaults are specified. It is equivalent to the following code:

<junitreport todir="${testReportDir}">

   <fileset dir="<todir specified in the junitreport tag>">
    <include name="TEST-*.xml"/>

   <report format="frames" todir="<todir specified in the junitreport tag>">/>


You can specify your own file set and report. Because the task is a direct subclass of junitreport, all the attributes and nested elements that junitreport has are supported.

We recommend specifying the inherited toDir attribute in most cases, although it defaults to the current working directory.