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junitlisa Ant Task

The junitlisa task is a "'drop in" replacement for the JUnit task available with Ant, but it executes DevTest tests instead of JUnit tests. Most continuous build systems recognize the XML output files and integrate the build dashboard with the test results.

This task is a direct subclass of the JUnit task. Therefore, the junitlisa task has the same attributes and nested elements as the JUnit task. However, be aware of the following differences in behavior:

In addition to the attributes inherited from the JUnit task, the junitlisa task has the following attributes:


The file name of a suite document.

Example: suite="AllTestsSuite.ste"


The file name of a test case.

Example: test="multi-tier-combo.tst"


The file name of a staging document.

Example: stagingDoc="Run1User1Cycle.stg"


A named internal configuration set or a file name.

Example: config="project.config"


The file name that is used to write reporting data. If the value does not comply with the standard naming scheme for junitlisareport, specify a fully configured junitreport task instead.

Example: outfile="report"


A pointer to the registry to use when you want to stage the test cases remotely.

Example: registry="tcp://testbox:2010/Registry"


Enables you to write out the name and description of each test case, without executing the test cases.

Example: preview="true"


Specifies the user name for ACL.

Example: user="admin"


Specifies the password for ACL.

Example: password="admin"


The file name of a MAR document.

Example: mar=”example.mar”


The file name of a MAR info document.

Example: mari=”example.mari”


The junitlisa task includes a nested element named lisatest. This element has the following attributes:


The file name of a suite document.

Example: suite="AllTestsSuite.ste"


The file name of a test case.

Example: test="multi-tier-combo.tst"


The file name of a staging document.

Example: stagingDoc="Run1User1Cycle.stg"


The file name of a MAR document.

Example: mar=”example.mar”


The file name of a MAR info document.

Example: mari=”example.mari”

The attribute values can use curly braces, which are resolved in the usual way.

You are required to specify at least one test or suite. You can specify a test or suite in a lisatest nested element or in the test or suite attribute. You can specify multiple tests and suites by adding more lisatest elements. The tests and suites are executed in the order in which they appear in the XML.

When you run a single test with the test attribute, the test has the following default behavior:

To change this default behavior, wrap the test in a suite and specify an alternative staging document.