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Data Desensitizer

In cases where the transport layer cannot "see" the data to desensitize, VSE provides a data protocol handler. For example, consider the use of gzip in SOAP over HTTP or messaging. If VSE is given a gzipped SOAP request (or response), then data desensitization cannot be done at this level. In that case, the recorder can be configured with a data protocol to perform the necessary gunzip operation. To handle desensitization after the SOAP body has been converted to plain text, add the data desensitization protocol.

VSE typically tries to desensitize data at the lowest possible level. The Desensitize check box on the first window of the VSE recording wizard requests that the transport protocol try to desensitize as soon as possible. However, the payload for a request is sometimes opaque to the transport protocol. Consider HTTP messages in which the payload is compressed, such as with gzip or FastInfoSet. In this case, the transport protocol cannot apply the desensitization rules. This data desensitizer data protocol is built to address such situations.

Add the data desensitizer data protocol to the request side, response side, or both of a data protocol chain. Add the protocol after another protocol that converts the opaque payload into something that is readable. This data protocol is only intended for recording, not playback. As each request or response is presented to the protocol handler, all desensitization rules that are specified in LISA_HOME\desensitize.xml are applied.

This protocol requires no configuration information and so does not present a window in the recording wizard.