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ServiceImageManager Command - Manage Service Images

To import transactions (raw or session) into a new or existing service image, use the VSE ServiceImageManager command-line tool. The tool can also combine two or more service images. The ServiceImageManager is located in the LISA_HOME\bin directory.

Control recording in one of the following ways: interactive, timed, or disconnected.


Use the interactive style when you specify only the --record argument. When the recorder is ready, it waits for you to click Enter at the console before starting the recording process. The recorder then waits for Enter again to stop the process.


Use the timed style when you specify the --record and --stop= (and, optionally, the --start=) arguments.


Use the disconnected style when you specify the --record and --port= arguments. This sets up a listener that the --signal argument uses to pass control signals to the recorder. After a recorder is initiated with the disconnected style, the ServiceImageManager tool, in a separate process, can be used to control it by sending start and stop signals over the port. This control requires specifying only the --signal= and --port= arguments.

All three styles require the --vrs=

and --si-file= arguments. Optionally, for the interactive and disconnected styles, specify --go to skip waiting for a start signal and begin recording immediately.

To import, specify the raw or session traffic transaction file to import after the --import argument. To control how the import happens, use the transport, request, and response data protocols and navigation tolerances. To use the –vrs= argument with the protocol or tolerance arguments, specify it before the others. The –vrs= argument resets parameters to their initial state. To specify the name of the file containing the service image in which to import, use the --si-file argument. Specify at least the following arguments:

You can also specify these arguments:

Either --non-leaf= or --leaf=

To combine two or more service images, specify the target service image after the combine argument. The file name that --combine= defines is the target VSI and other files that are listed are the sources. To control how like transactions combine and list the file names of the source images to combine into the target image, use favor. Specify at least the following argument:


You can also specify the following argument:


List the source files for the combine operation.

Note: Arguments with values that contain spaces (such as the names of protocols) must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example: "--import=my file.xml" and -i"my file.xml"

The ServiceImageManager command has the following format:

--help -h

Displays help text.

--record -d

Records the transactions into a service image file.

--vrs=recording-session-file -v recording-session-file

Specifies the recording session file that contains all the configuration information for the recording or import operation.

--go -G

Specifies that for interactive or disconnected styles, the wait for a start signal is bypassed.

--start=time-spec -S time-spec

Indicates that the recorder starts recording after the specified interval.

--stop=time-spec -E time-spec

Indicates that the recorder will stop recording after the specified interval. This interval is relative to the time at which the recorder started recording, and is specified in milliseconds.

--port=port-number -P port-number

Specifies the port to be used for recorder control. When used with --record, this command notes the port on which the recorder listens for control. When used with --signal, it notes the port to which the start/stop signal is sent.

--signal=start|stop -g start|stop

Specifies the signal to send to a recorder in a different process. This command requires the --port= argument.

--import=raw/traffic-file -i raw/traffic-file

Imports the specified raw or session traffic XML document into a service image file.

--transport=protocol -t protocol

Specifies the transport protocol to use during an import operation.


Opaque Data Processing

--request-data=protocol -r protocol

Specifies the request-side data protocol to use during an import operation.


REST Data Protocol

--response-data=protocol -R protocol

Specifies the response-side data protocol to use during an import operation.


SWIFT Data Protocol

--non-leaf=CLOSE | WIDE | LOOSE -n CLOSE | WIDE | LOOSE -n tolerance

Specifies the default navigation tolerance to assume for any non-leaf conversation nodes created.

Default: WIDE

--leaf=CLOSE | WIDE | LOOSE -l CLOSE | WIDE | LOOSE -l tolerance

Specifies the default navigation tolerance to assume for any leaf conversation nodes created.

Default: LOOSE

--config=config-file -C config-file

In Recording mode, specifies a configuration file to use.

--si-file=vsi-file -s vsi-file

Specifies the name of the service image file to which to import transactions. If this file does not exist, the application creates it. Otherwise, the imported transactions are merged with the existing service image.

--vsm_file=vsm-file -m vsm_file

Specifies the name of the virtual service model file to create during a recording.

--combine=target-vsi-file -c target-vsi-file

Combines one or more service image files into the named service image file. Unless the favor argument is specified, the source service images are favored.

--favor=source | target -f source | target

Specifies how to combine like transactions when combining service images.


target: Like transactions (and other data) leave the target side unchanged.


Prints the VSE version number.

The ServiceImageManager command has two error codes:

1 - If an argument exception occurs (exit status bad param)

2 - If other general failure occurs