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VirtualServiceEnvironment Commands

The VirtualServiceEnvironment command is used to manage the VSE application. The executable is located in the [LISA_HOME]\bin directory.

This command has the following format:

VirtualServiceEnvironment [--help|-h] [--name=name|-n=name] [--registry=registry-spec|-m=registry-spec] [--labName=lab-name|-l=lab-name] [--force|-f] [--port=port-number|-P=port-number] [--version]
--help -h

Displays help text.

--name=name -n name

Defines the service name for the environment server.

Default: The system property lisa.vseName. The default value for the system property is VSEServer.

--registry=registry-spec -m registry-spec

The registry to which to connect.



--labName=lab-name -l lab-name

Specifies the name of the lab to use.

Default: Default

--force -f

Forces this server into the DevTest registry, replacing any object that is already registered by the service name of the environment.

--port=port-number -P port-number

Specifies the service port to which the VSE publishes. It is the same as specifying the port as part of the –name argument.

--username=username -u username

Specifies the DevTest security username.

--password=password -p password

Specifies the DevTest security password.


Prints the VSE version number.