Previous Topic: Step 4 - Run a Test CaseNext Topic: Step 6 - Activate Config File

Step 5 - Create a Config File

The webservices test case is the source application driver. You use the VSE Recorder in DevTest Workstation to listen and record the transactions of this test case. Insert the VSE Recorder between the source client application and the live system. The live LISA Bank system web service is on localhost port 8080. Configure your endpoint so that it uses the listen port for the VSE Recorder, 8001. The recorder intercepts the request and response on the way to and from the live web service application on port 8080.

Each of the steps in your test case contains a field where you can specify an endpoint for the step. By default, DevTest uses the {{ENDPOINT1}} property to define this endpoint. By using a property and not hard-coding the endpoint, you can quickly change the end point for each step by changing the project configuration for the {{ENDPOINT1}} value.

The default configuration is named project.config, and is created automatically for a new project. The project.config file is located in the Configs folder in the Project panel. You can also create a configuration file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the Configs folder in the Project panel and select Create New Config.
  2. Enter the name of the new configuration: VSRecorder.
  3. Click OK.

    The properties editor opens the VSRecorder config file.

To add a property to the configuration file:

  1. To add a row, click Add LISA-- icon_image_whiteplussign at the bottom of the properties editor.
  2. Select ENDPOINT1 from the Key field.
  3. Enter the following value in the Value field:

    Note: The port from the test case (8080) is changed to the listen port for the VSE Recorder (8001). The recorder can intercept the request and response on the way to and from the live web service application on port 8080.

  4. Click Save on the main toolbar.
  5. To close the config file, click X on the editor tab.
  6. Continue with "Step 6 - Activate Config File".

Next Step.