Use the DISPLAY command to see the current options used by the CA DRAS server. The format and options of the DISPLAY command are:
DIsplay LOGUSERS DIsplay MESSage [ALL] DIsplay REPOsitory DIsplay SERVer ID DIsplay THReads DIsplay USER counts DIsplay ALL
This command displays the current setting of the SET LOGUSERS option. The format of this command is:
Sample output from this command:
++ Command ++ DI LOGUSERS Log Users = ON
This command displays the current settings of the CA DRAS log message options. The format of the command is:
DIsplay MESSage [ALL]
Sample output from this command:
++ Command ++ DI MESS Suppression = OFF Echo message = ON Echo count = 9
++ Command ++ DI MESS ALL Suppression = OFF Echo message = ON Echo count = 9 Echoed messages: 1 ECHO=CAHFMTK016I ROUT=11 DESC=6 2 ECHO=CAHFMTK021I ROUT=11 DESC=6 3 ECHO=CAHFSCM001I ROUT=11 DESC=6 4 ECHO=CAHFSPT010I ROUT=11 DESC=6 5 ECHO=CAHFSPT011I ROUT=11 DESC=6 7 ECHO=CAHA ROUT=11 DESC=6 8 ECHO=BUN ROUT=11 DESC=6 9 ECHO=CADS ROUT=11 DESC=6
This command displays information from the ACCESS commands in the configuration file. The format of the command is:
DIsplay REPOsitory
Sample output from this command:
++ Command ++ DI REPO Repository Name(1) = VIEW11DB Repository Path(1) = OPM.VIEW.HB31 Repository Prod(1) = VIEW11
This command displays the server name from the SET SERVER ID command in the configuration file. The format of the command is:
DIsplay SERVer id
Sample output from this command:
++ Command ++ DI SERV Server ID = PRODDRAS
This command displays information about the CA DRAS processing threads. The format of the command is:
DIsplay THReads
Sample output from this command:
++ Command ++ DI THR Thread Count = 5/5 High thread used = 4
Thread count is expressed as two numbers. The first is the number of threads specified on the SET THREADS command in the configuration file. The second number is the number of those threads that are still available to process work. The difference is the number of threads that have abended.
This command displays the counts of active users, the high water mark of active users, and the status of the SET LONGWAIT option. The format of the command is:
DIsplay USER counts
Sample output from this command:
++ Command ++ DI USER Active Users = 5 Users HWM = 23 Longwait = 60
This command displays all the previous information plus the Language, Client Type, and Client Translation settings from the configuration file. The format of the command is:
DIsplay ALL
Sample output from this command:
++ Command ++ DI ALL Server ID = PRODDRAS Language = T1252X1140 Client Type = LINUX/UNIX/WINDOWS Client Translation = OFF Repository Name(1) = VIEW11DB Repository Path(1) = OPM.VIEW.HB31 Repository Prod(1) = VIEW11 Thread Count = 5/5 High thread used = 4 Active Users = 5 Users HWM = 23 Longwait = 60 Suppression = OFF Echo message = ON Echo count = 9 Log Users = ON
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