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The following table describes the attribute fields on the Report Definition Attributes panel:


Identifies 1 to 99 sets of criteria for archiving reports.

Each set of criteria (which you define by an initialization parameter) specifies the following:

The direct-to-View database and/or the archive medium (disk or tape) that CA View uses to archive a report

The SYSOUT class, destination, and forms name CA Deliver uses to create a copy of a report for transmission to CA View

Values are as follows:

1 to 99

Selects the archiving criteria for your site


Suppresses the archiving of a report


Uses the default value defined by the initialization
parameter ARCH

Note: For more information about the ARCH parameter, see the Reference Guide.

Arch ID

Specifies the 1- to 32-character archive report identifier. If an Arch ID is provided, the report appears in CA View under that name.

Note: This field is not displayed for dynamic type reports.


Specifies the name of the model banner page to print at the beginning and end of a report.

Values are as follows:


Suppresses banner page printing


Prints the default model banner page defined by the initialization parameter BANNER

Note: For more information about the BANNER initialization parameter, see the Reference Guide.


Indicates whether a report is to be burst into separate sheets when printed on an IBM 3800 printer

Values are as follows:


Indicates to burst the report.


Keeps the report intact.


Indicates to use the value specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report. Blank is the default.


Indicates the type of carriage control characters used in the report.

Values are as follows:


Uses machine control characters.


Uses ASA control characters.

A single-character identifier

Uses the user-defined set of control characters.


Uses the carriage control specification from the DCB/ACB for the report. Blank is the default.


Specifies the SYSOUT class for the report.

Values are as follows:

A single alphanumeric character

Uses the SYSOUT class character you define.


Uses the SYSOUT class specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report. Blank is the default.


Indicates whether to print the report on single- or multi-part paper.

Valid values are:

Y or Blank—

Uses the copies DD parameter (that specifies the number of grouped distribution identifiers) to write the report to spool


Assumes COPIES=1

Note: For more information about the copies DD parameter, see the Reference Guide.


Specifies the 1- to 40-character brief description of the report.


Specifies the name of the forms control image used to print a report.


Uses the forms control image specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report.


Specifies the name of the special form used to print the report.


Uses the forms control image specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report.

Note: If OUTPUT JCL statements are not available for processing (that is, if the initialization parameter OUTPUT is set to OUTPUT=NO or is set to its default), only the first four characters of the form are used.


Specifies the name of the form overlay used when a report is to be printed on an IBM 3800 printer and the number of copies to be flashed with the overlay.


Uses the form overlay name and count specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report.


Specifies the 1-8 character name of the output group. Groupid is only valid on JES2 systems. If an archival copy of the report is sent to a View FSS collector, this name identifies the member name in the SARINDEX data set which contains archive control statements for the report.


Specifies the time in a 24-hour hh:mm format when a report is to be marked late if it is not queued for printing.

Example: 09:35 represents 9:35 a.m. and 15:45 represents 3:45 p.m.

Note: When you specify the late time, enter 00:01 (not 00:00) and 23:59 (not 24:00).


Suppresses the late check.


Specifies whether a report contains IBM 3800 printer table reference characters.


Specifies that the report contains IBM 3800 printer table reference characters.

N or Blank

Specifies that the report does not contain IBM 3800 printer table reference characters.


Specifies the name of the special character set used to print a report.


Uses the character set name specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report.


Specifies the name of the form definition used to print a report on an IBM 3800 printing subsystem.


Uses the form definition name specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report. Blank is the default.

Note: If OUTPUT JCL statements are not available for processing (that is, if the initialization parameter OUTPUT is set to OUTPUT=NO or is set to its default), the form definition name is ignored.


Specifies the name of the page definition used to print a report on an IBM 3800 printing subsystem


Uses the page definition name specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report. Blank is the default.

Note: If OUTPUT JCL statements are not available for processing (that is, if the initialization parameter OUTPUT is set to OUTPUT=NO or is set to its default), the page definition name is ignored.


Specifies the process mode required to print a SYSOUT data set.

Values are as follows:


Sends the data set to a line mode printer.


Sends the data set to a page mode printer.

Specific 1- to 8-character mode name

Sends the data set to a mode printer defined for your site.


Specifies the name of the printer setup member in the database used for a report.

You can use this member to enter XEROX DJDE parameters or any other information you want to precede the report data.

If specified, the printer setup records are appended to the report immediately after the report banner page but before the first record in the report.


Suppresses the appending of the printer setup records to the report. Blank is the default.

Note: To add PRSET members to the database, use the RMODBASE utility PLOAD control statement, which is described in the Reference Guide.


Specifies the priority for a SYSOUT data set to enter the output queue.

You can specify a decimal value between 1 (lowest priority) and 255 (highest priority) or a space or 0. If a space or 0 is entered, it is treated as a null and nullifies any existing PRTY value.

A data set with a higher priority prints sooner.


Specifies the names of character arrangement tables used when a report prints on an IBM 3800 printer.

You can specify 1 to 4 names in this field.


Uses the character arrangement table names specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report.


Specifies the name of the copy modification module and table reference character used when a report prints on an IBM 3800 printer.


Uses the copy modification module name and table reference character specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report.


Specifies the number of copies of each page that are grouped together when a report prints on an IBM 3800 printer.


Uses the IBM 3800 copy groups specified in the JCL for the job that creates the report.