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Report Definition Attributes Panel

The Report Definition Attributes is used to specify report attributes, which overrides any JCL or output statement attributes.

A report definition attribute is one of a set of parameters you specify for a report on the Report Definition Attributes panel. For example, the LATE report definition attribute indicates the time when a report is to be marked late if it is not queued for printing.

By default, the system uses the attributes specified in the JCL for reports. There is generally no need to specify overrides to the attributes in report definitions. You can, however, want to add or modify some of the non-JCL attributes for reports, for example, late time, archive criteria, report description, and special instructions.

To display the Report Definition Attributes panel, enter the R command followed by a report identifier on the Primary Selection Menu panel, or select a report from the Reports for Job panel, Report Selection List panel, Active Report List panel, Reports for Distid panel, or Bundle Definition Report Specification panel, and press Enter.

The Report Definition Attributes panel has four subpanels:

CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------------------------- Command ===> ID ---> EDITREPT01 Job ---> TRJOB01 Step ---> EDITSTEP Procstep ---> DD ---> EDITLIST Type ---> Desc ===> Arch ID ===> Attributes: ARCH ===> BANNER ===> BURST ===> CC ===> CLASS ===> COPIES ===> FCB ===> FORM ===> FLASH ===> ( , ) LATE ===> OPTCDJ ===> UCS ===> FORMDF ===> PAGEDF ===> PRMODE ===> PRSET ===> PRTY ===> GRPID ===> CHARS ===> ( , , , ) MODIFY ===> ( , ) COPYG ===> ( , , , , , , , ) The following attributes may be selected by entering the 1-character selection code on the command input line: B - Bundle specifications. D - Distribution specifications. I - Special instructions. T - Report identification text.