Previous Topic: Step 2: Specify Report Definition AttributesNext Topic: Step 4: Close Panels and Finish Your Work

Step 3: Specify Control Break Identification Criteria

  1. Obtain a printout of the SYSOUT data set that contains the quarterly sales data you extract for the report.
  2. Look for the best text to use to separate the pages in the data set.

    You determine that the region number in the title on each page in the data set is the best text to use. When 01 changes to 02 in the data set, a control break occurs and the system inserts a separator page in the report at that point.

  3. Do the following on the Report Definition Attributes panel:
    1. Enter 2 in the Line field.
    2. Enter 8 in the Col field.
    3. Enter 2 in the Length field.
    4. Enter 2 in Field 1 under Line.
    5. Enter 1 in Field 1 under Col.
    6. Enter 9 in Field 1 under Length.

      CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------------------------- Command ===>

      ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL

      Control Break Identification: Line : 2 Normalized: YES Col : 8 Separator : SEPARATE Length: 2

      User Field Identification: Line Col Length Line Col Length Field 1: 2 1 9 Field 2: Field 3: Field 4: Field 5: Field 6: Field 7: Field 8: Field 9:

    The defaults for the Normalized field (YES) and the Separator field (SEPARATE) are used.

  4. Enter END on the command line, and press Enter to display the Report Definition Attributes panel.

    When you exit the Report Definition Attributes panel, the data you entered for report 1 is saved in the database.

The following illustration shows the reports processed by CA Deliver:

Specify Conrol Break Criteria