Previous Topic: Step 1: Define a Job for U50500-R01Next Topic: Step 3: Specify Control Break Identification Criteria

Step 2: Specify Report Definition Attributes

  1. On the Report Definition Attributes panel:
    1. Enter REGIONS 1&2 SALES REPORT in the Desc field.

      Any lowercase characters are automatically converted to uppercase.

    2. Enter 1 in the ARCH field to indicate that the report will be archived.
    3. Enter 23:59 in the LATE field.

      Note: You must specify 23:59 or 00:01 for midnight in the LATE field.

      CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------------------------- Command ===> ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL Desc ===> REGIONS 1&2 SALES REPORT Arch ID ===> Attributes: ARCH ===> 1 BANNER ===> BURST ===> CC ===> CLASS ===> COPIES ===> FCB ===> FORM ===> FLASH ===> ( , ) LATE ===> 23:59 OPTCDJ ===> UCS ===> FORMDF ===> PAGEDF ===> PRMODE ===> PRSET ===> PRTY ===> GRPID ===> CHARS ===> ( , , , ) MODIFY ===> ( , ) COPYG ===> ( , , , , , , , ) The following attributes may be selected by entering the 1-character selection code on the command input line: B - Bundle specifications. D - Distribution specifications. I - Special instructions. T - Report identification text.

  2. Press Enter to refresh the Report Definition Attributes panel.
  3. Enter D on the command line on the Report Definition Attributes panel, and press Enter to display the Distribution Specifications subpanel.

    CA Deliver ----------- Report Definition Attributes (1) ---- Row 00001 of 00010 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Grp Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  4. Enter the distribution identifier D01VPRES in the Distribution ID column to distribute a copy of the report to the Vice President of Sales.

    CA Deliver ----------- Report Definition Attributes (1) ---- Row 00001 of 00010 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Grp Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS D01VPRES ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  5. Review the remaining fields on the Distribution Specifications subpanels and leave them blank to use the default settings.
  6. Enter


    (Repeat) on the first row in the Sel column, and press Enter to copy the line you just entered.

    This new line is used to create the instruction to distribute a copy of the report to the President.

    CA Deliver ----------- Report Definition Attributes (1) ---- Row 00001 of 00010 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Grp Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS R D01VPRES ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

    The first line is copied once. Default settings appear in the fields you left blank..

  7. In the new line, replace the second distribution identifier D01VPRES with D01PRES.

    CA Deliver ----------- Report Definition Attributes (1) ---- Row 00001 of 00011 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL Distribution Specifications: Writer/ Days Sel Grp Distribution ID Out Dest Eformat MTWTFSS D01VPRES Y YYYYYYY D01PRES Y YYYYYYY ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

  8. Enter I on the command line, and press Enter to display the Special Instructions subpanel.
  9. Enter the special instructions REGIONS 01 & 02 SALES REPORT-REVIEW IMMEDIATELY below the Instruction field, and press Enter.

    CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------ Row 00001 of 00010 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL Special Instructions: Sel Instruction 'REGIONS 01 & 02 SALES REPORT - REVIEW IMMEDIATELY' ******************************* Bottom of Data ********************************

    Any lowercase characters are automatically converted to uppercase.

  10. Enter END on the command line and press Enter.
  11. Enter T on the command line, and press Enter.

    The Control Break Identification subpanel is displayed.

    CA Deliver ------------- Report Definition Attributes ------------------------- Command ===> ID ---> U50500-R01 Job ---> U50500 Step ---> QSALESTP Procstep ---> DD ---> QREPORT Type ---> CNTL Control Break Identification: Line : Normalized: YES Col : Separator : SEPARATE Length: User Field Identification: Line Col Length Line Col Length Field 1: Field 2: Field 3: Field 4: Field 5: Field 6: Field 7: Field 8: Field 9:

    You are now ready to enter the control break identification criteria.