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Input Command Functions

The input commands are described in this list:


Terminates the current panel without saving your changes

Note: The changes you make to the Reports for Job panel are saved when you enter CANCEL.


Enables or disables the display of the Confirm Delete panel when definition data is to be deleted using the D selection command. The default is ON. Confirmation is automatically enabled when a new command is entered on the Primary Selection Menu panel.


To disable the Confirm Delete panel, enter the command:


All subsequent delete requests occur without a request for confirmation.

To enable the Confirm Delete panel, enter the command:


All subsequent delete requests require a user to respond to a request for confirmation.

COPY identifier parm

Copies definition specifications from a panel or previously defined report to the current panel or report definition


Specify a report identifier to process a report definition.

Specify a bundle identifier to process a bundle definition.


Copies the same panel you are using from the report named VENDREPT to the current report definition

Note: If the Report-Id contains embedded blanks, the name must be enclosed in quotes (single or double). Any quote in Report-id must be entered as a pair of quotes because a non-paired quote will end the ID; for example, if the value is JIM’S REPORT it must be entered as ‘JIM’’S REPORT’ or "JIM’S REPORT".


To replace all panels associated with the current panel with the complete definition (that is, all panels except the bundle specification panel data) from the named source, specify ALL.


Copies all of the Report Definition Attributes panels for the report named VENDREPT to the current report definition

To add all report identifiers of a job (when defining bundles) to the report specifications of the current job, display the Report Specifications subpanel of the Bundle Definition Attributes panel, specify a job name in place of identifier, and then specify JOB.


Adds all report identifiers for job TRJOB02 to the report specifications of the current job.


Displays a copylist subpanel where you choose from available lists (distribution IDs, report IDs, bundle IDs, and so on) to copy without reentering existing information.


Scans columnar data for a string of characters, then scrolls to and displays the entry at the top of the panel.

FIND is used on certain panels where data may not be maintained in a sorted sequence. FIND searches a specific column for data in a forward or backward direction starting at the beginning of the table, the end of the table, or from the current position.

The syntax of the FIND command is as follows:

FIND string column [ FIRST | NEXT | LAST | PREV ] NOT


identifies the search data. The string is matched against data starting in the first position of the search column. The FIND command does not locate data that is embedded within the column. If the string contains special characters, enclose the string within quotation marks. If the search string is not found, a not-found message is displayed.

Note: On the Reports for Job panel, you can omit the string specification to search for the next occurrence of a Stepname, Procstep Name, or DDname.


identifies the field that is to be searched. If omitted, the default or primary column is searched. The column names that can be referenced depend on the panel that is being accessed. As a rule, the heading names that appear above the column data identify the column names that can be used on the FIND command.


identifies the origin and direction of the search. If omitted, the search begins with the row at the top of the current display. Location specifications are as follows.

  • FIRST Starts the search at the beginning of the table and proceeds to the end of the table
  • NEXT Starts the search after the row that appears at the top of the current display and proceeds forward to the end of the table
  • LAST Starts the search at the end of the table and proceeds backward to the beginning of the table
  • PREV Starts the search before the row that appears at the top of the current display and proceeds backward to the beginning of the table
  • The NOT specification indicates that the column is to be searched for data that is not equal to the string specified on the FIND command.


To search for distribution identifier JOHN on the Bundle Definition Distribution Specification panel, enter the command:

Command ===> find john

To search for the next Stepname on the Reports for Job panel, enter the command:

Command ===> find next step

To search for the first occurrence of an output indicator of Y on the Report Definition Distribution Specifications panel, enter the command:

Command ===> find y out first

To search for the last occurrence of COPIES "*" on the Distribution List panel, enter the command:

Command ===> find '*' copies last

To search for a previous stacked report definition on the Reports for Job panel, enter the command:

Command ===> find stack type prev

To search for the next occurrence of a previously entered command, enter the command:

Command ===> rfind (normally the PF5 or PF17 key)


Finds an entry in a list of data, then scrolls to and displays that entry at the top of the panel.

If the name you specify cannot be found, the entry that alphabetically precedes the specified entry is displayed.

For example, LOC VPFIN displays the entry VPFIN at the top of the data panel. (If VPFIN is not-found in the list, the entry that alphabetically precedes it in the list—VPDATA, for example—is displayed at the top of the panel.)



Redisplays a selection list or display list with the current data; recent changes and newly added data from the started task, batch jobs, or online users are shown.

Enter REDISP on the command line of the Active Report List, Active Bundle List, Bundle Selection List, Distribution Selection List, Job Selection List, and Report Selection List panels.

The REDISP command must be specifically entered to redisplay a sorted list.

Note: You can assign REDISP to a PF key or to the Enter key. For more information about redisplays, see Assigning the Redisplay Command to a PF Key in the chapter "Creating a Bundle of Reports."


Locates the next occurrence of a previously-issued FIND command.

If another occurrence is not found, a not-found message displays. Normally, PF5 and PF17 are defined as the RFIND key.


Selects the job name, report, bundle, or distribution identifier you specify on the command.

To create a new job name, bundle identifier, or distribution identifier, you must specify a name that does not already exist. If the report identifier that you specify already exists, an error occurs.

Note: A SELECT tabular command is also available. The tabular commands that you can use with SELECT are described in the next section.

For example, SEL REPORT-R1 displays the entry REPORT-R1.

Tn hdn date time data (TRACK)

Posts a report to a station with tracking data.

A station is the physical location where you post reports and bundles. You can define up to five report stations and one printer station.

A station allows you to track the history of reports and bundles from creation to the point when the recipient receives the report or bundle copy through distribution and other post-printing processes.



Indicates a value from 1 to 5 that represents the station to which you want to post the report

n is optional.

If you omit this value, station 1 is specified by default.


Indicates the history detail number, a unique, 10-digit number that distinguishes individual copies of a non-bundled or bundled report

History detail numbers print on banner pages and are used to track recipients of reports and bundles of reports according to the distribution identifier.

Hdn is required.

You can omit the leading zeros.

Note: For more information about historical data and detailed historical data, see the chapter "Obtaining Historical Data."


Indicates the date when you want the report to be posted, in the default date format

This parameter is optional.

If you omit date or enter an asterisk, the current date is used.

To omit date, enter a comma.

Note: For more information about changing the default date format, see the Installation Guide.


Indicates the time when you want the report posted, in an hh:mm format (10:45) or an format (10.45)

This parameter is optional.

If you omit time or enter an asterisk, the current time is used. To omit time, enter a comma.


Represents text you want to display in the USER DATA field on the Report Detail Historical Data and Bundle Detail Historical Data panels

You can enter 1 to 12 characters in this field. If the text you specify contains embedded blanks, you must enclose the text in single quotation marks.

This parameter is optional. If you omit data, your user ID is used.


T 329905 posts station 1 for HDN 0000329905 with the current date and time and with your user ID as the user data.

T3 1601 * * 'LATE REPORT' posts station 3 for HDN 0000001601 with the current date and time and the user data "late report."