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Input Commands

Like the system-wide commands, the input commands are entered on the command line of the current panel. Unlike the system-wide commands, however, input commands work on selected panels only.

CA Deliver ----------- Report Definition Attributes ------------------------- Command ===> CANCEL ID ---> EDITREPT01 Job ---> TRJOB01 Step ---> EDITSTEP Procstep ---> DD ---> EDITLIST Type ---> Desc ===> EDIT DATA FOR ACCOUNTING Arch ID ===> Attributes: ARCH ===> BANNER ===> BURST ===> CC ===> CLASS ===> COPIES ===> FCB ===> FORM ===> FLASH ===> ( , ) LATE ===> OPTCDJ ===> UCS ===> FORMDF ===> PAGEDF ===> PRMODE ===> PRSET ===> PRTY ===> GRPID ===> CHARS ===> ( , , , ) MODIFY ===> ( , ) COPYG ===> ( , , , , , , , ) The following attributes may be selected by entering the 1-character selection code on the command input line: B - Bundle specifications. D - Distribution specifications. I - Special instructions. T - Report identification text.

Input commands are: