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Input Commands

The following are the input commands on the Primary Selection Menu panel and their descriptions:


Provides access to the Active Report List and Active Bundle List panels.

The syntax of the A command is as follows:

A [ R I B ] id PREV X



Displays the Active Report List. R is the default.


Displays the Active Bundle List


Optionally, you can specify a specific or generic identifier to refine the list of active data. If omitted, a full list of authorized active data is accessible.


Displays the active data from the previous daily cycle


Limits the display to active data with an exceptional condition like LATE, NPROD


Accesses the Bundle Selection List or the Bundle Definition Attributes panel directly.

The syntax of the B command is as follows:

B id

Optionally, you can specify a specific or generic identifier on the B command.

If a specific identifier is entered, the Bundle Definition Attributes panel is accessed directly.

If the operand is omitted or a generic identifier is entered, the Bundle Selection List panel displays.

The generic identifier is used to refine the list of display data.


Accesses the Distribution Selection List or the Distribution Data directly.

The syntax of the D command is as follows:

D id [ LIST | L ]

Optionally, you can specify a specific or generic identifier on the D command.

If a specific identifier is entered, the Distribution Data or Distribution List panel is accessed directly.

If the operand is omitted or a generic identifier is entered, the Distribution Selection List panel displays.

The generic identifier is used to refine the list of display data.

Enter the LIST or L operand to create a distribution list. This operand can be omitted if an existing distribution list is being accessed.


Provides access to banner page data, PRSET data, and online panels.

The syntax of the DISPLAY command is as follows:

DISPLAY [ B | O | P ]



Displays a list of banner page members


Displays a list of online panel members


Displays a list of PRSET members

If omitted, a selection menu is presented to the user with these choices.

Valid entries are DI, DISP, and DISPLAY.


Accesses the Job Selection List or the Reports for Job panel directly.

The syntax of the J command is as follows:

J id

Optionally, you can specify a specific or generic identifier on the J command.

If a specific identifier is entered, the Reports for Job panel is accessed directly.

If the operand is omitted or a generic identifier is entered, the Job Selection List panel displays.

The generic identifier is used to refine the list of display data.


Accesses the Report Selection List or the Report Definition Attributes panel directly.

The syntax of the R command is as follows:

R id

Optionally, you can specify a specific or generic identifier on the R command.

If a specific identifier is entered, the Report Definition Attributes panel is accessed directly.

If the operand is omitted or a generic identifier is entered, the Report Selection List panel displays.

The generic identifier is used to refine the list of display data.


Exits the online facility.

You can enter the X command and the END command on the Primary Selection Menu.

To exit the online system directly, you can issue "=X" from any panel.