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Primary Selection Menu

The Primary Selection Menu panel is the first panel that displays when you log in to the online facility of the system.

You start most of the functions from this panel.

CA Deliver - Primary Selection for DELIVER.SYSTEM1 --------------------------- Command ===> A Active Display - Display selection list of active reports or bundles. B Bundle Data - Display bundle data. D Distribution Data - Display distribution data. J Job Data - Display job data. R Report Data - Display report data. Operands for A: B - Display selection list of active bundles. R - Display selection list of active reports (default). X - Limit selection list to exceptions. PREV - Display selection list for previous cycle. Operand for B,D,J,R: Omit operand for complete selection list. Specify identifier to display data. Specify generic identifier for limited selection list. L - For D only, display list of distribution lists. Enter END command to terminate this CA Deliver session.