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Bundle Confirmation

The bundle confirmation feature controls the times when bundles are actually queued for printing.

When you specify bundle confirmation as YES (initialization parameter BNDLCONF=YES), or when you specify Y in the Bundle Confirm? field on the Bundle Definition Attributes panel, a bundle is not automatically queued for printing when it is ready. Instead, the active entry for the bundle is marked with an exceptional condition of READY or BOT POST when the time period specified by BNDLSCAN occurs. You must then post the bundle for printing either by entering the P tabular command on the Active Bundle List panel, or by using the batch bundle posting utility RMOBPR to print it.

You can use bundle confirmation to give your operators more control over bundling—for example, to control job reruns. In this case, by requiring confirmation before bundles actually print, you can rerun jobs, and the original reports recreated by the reruns can be deleted from bundling.

You can confirm individual bundles or all bundles.