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How Are Reports Bundled?

You can retain individual reports in the spool or archive them directly to a CA View database for printing in one bundle.

As a report is created by a program, the list of bundles is scanned to determine if the report is to be bundled. If it is, and the report is not being archived directly to a CA View database, a bundle holding copy of the report is written to spool using a unique SYSOUT program name (an external writer name).

The bundle holding copy is written with a SYSOUT class and destination defined by the BNDLCLS and BNDLDEST initialization parameters. The bundle holding copy is retained in spool until all bundles referencing it have been queued for printing. If the report is supposed to be bundled and it is being archived directly to the CA View database, a spool bundle holding copy of the report is not created; instead, the archive copy is used later to compose the bundle. Reports are still distributed at the report level so you must include the distribution identifier that matches the original report definition for that report if the copy is to be included in the bundle.

If all distribution identifiers for a report are defined for the bundles referencing the report, unbundled copies of the report are not produced. Alternately, if you want to produce unbundled reports, the report definition distribution specification must include the name of the recipient (that is, the distribution identifier) for that unbundled copy.

Note: The order in which the reports are written in a bundle is first by distribution identifier and second by report identifier, as defined by the bundle definition.