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Assigning and Reassigning PF Keys

The KEYS command allows you to assign or reassign system-wide command functions to PF keys.

Terminals that support 24 program function keys display the Primary Keys (PF keys 1 to 12) when the KEYS command is entered. Press Enter to switch between the Primary Keys and Alternate Keys (PF keys 13 to 24).

Terminals that support 12 program function keys have a PF Key Definition panel for PF keys 1 to 12.

To assign or reassign system-wide command functions to PF keys, do the following:

  1. Enter KEYS on the command line of any panel, and press Enter to display the PF Key Definitions panel.

CA Deliver - PF Key Definitions - Primary Keys --------------------------------

Command ===> Number of PF Keys ===> 24 PF 1 ===> HELP PF 2 ===> SPLIT PF 3 ===> END PF 4 ===> RETURN PF 5 ===> RFIND PF 6 ===> RCHANGE PF 7 ===> UP PF 8 ===> DOWN PF 9 ===> SWAP PF10 ===> LEFT PF11 ===> RIGHT PF12 ===> CURSOR Press Enter key to display alternate keys. Enter END command to exit.

  1. Select the PF key you want to assign or reassign, and then enter the name of the command at the prompt (===>).
  2. To apply the PF key assignment, press PF3 or PF15, or enter END on the command line.

To display the alternate PF keys (PF key 13 to 24), press Enter on the PF Key Definition Primary Keys panel. The alternate PF keys are assigned or reassigned the same as primary PF keys.

CA Deliver - PF Key Definitions - Alternate Keys ---------------------------- Command ===> NOTE: The following definitions apply only to terminals with 24 PF keys. PF13 ===> HELP PF14 ===> SPLIT PF15 ===> END PF16 ===> RETURN PF17 ===> RFIND PF18 ===> RCHANGE PF19 ===> UP PF20 ===> DOWN PF21 ===> SWAP PF22 ===> LEFT PF23 ===> RIGHT PF24 ===> CURSOR Press Enter key to display primary keys. Enter END command to exit.

To display the Primary Keys panel (PF1 – PF12), press Enter from the Alternate Keys panel.